News from Around Banderas Bay | July 2007  
Lazy Lizard Bingo Goes Out With a Bang

| Jeff, Parry, JOY!, Sol, Sylvie and the kids | 
| Mena the Magnificent! | 
| Lana meets Coco | 
| Introducing Monty | 
| Clowning around | In seven crazy bingo nights we raised 60,314 pesos for R.I.S.E! That's almost double what the government gives them in a year!
 The goal was to raise 50,000 pesos for the children at the Refugio. The final Lazy Lizard bingo needed to bring in 6111 pesos to reach that goal. We made 6425 pesos and topped the mark.
 Then Sol brought in a dozen of the kids, and Jeff, the owner of Los Veranos Canopy, took one look at them and threw another 10,000 pesos in the pot! Goodonya Jeff, a Los Veranos Grand Finale indeed!
 Thank you Sylvie who donated tours for our major prize every week. This week she also donated her guides, and was going to auction off Daniel but decided she needed him after all, and settled for auctioning Steve Fischer's fabulous works of art.
 They are a talented bunch at Los Veranos, the show included a juggling clown and Mena the Magnificent, fire spinner extraordinaire.
 The place was packed as usual, and the Guides circulated about inviting members of the audience to hold and pet Monty the python, Coco the marmoset, a very large tarantula, and a scorpion.
 I was sitting with Jeff from Plaza Mar, Anna from the Tribune and Marcia our Park protector. I can still see Jeff's face as he watched the scorpion being laid across Alex's face and put in his mouth. He just kept repeating "Why is that OK? No really, why is that OK?!"
 Anna and Jeff made an interesting bingo pair, Jeff consistently had almost no beans on his card, and Anna always had a card full of everything EXCEPT what she needed for the current game. I told her she needed to rub Tom's lucky Buddha belly but she wouldn't do it, so we watched everyone at his table winning prizes and never even came close ourselves.
 The hat was passed round to help get my camera fixed – it's going to cost 1900 pesos, yikes! Thanks heaps to all who donated, and especially to Steve Fischer who has done much to restore my faith in humanity lately.
 Bingo karma was still in place and juggled the balls so that Charlotte won the blackout bingo with all the most fabulous prizes including the Canopy, a whale watching tour and a gorgeous amber earring and necklace set from Gem Casa. Couldn't have happened to a more appropriate person, XocoDiva has been an ongoing supporter of Lazy Lizard Bingo almost since it began. AND she gave me some chocolate strawberries as a thank you for organizing it all. Thanks Charlotte.
 To finish the evening perfectly, Harold Foreman gifted the children with a sail ride on his beautiful boat Gypsy Spirit. Goodonya Harold.
 You will be pleased to know that bingo WILL be continuing over at Langostinos – turn right instead of left at the Los Muertos Pier, it's next to CCs. There won't be shows, but there will be bingo and art auctions, and the kids will continue to benefit.
 Have fun y'all, thanks so much for playing, it's good to know you'll keep the balls rolling when I'm gone.

| "Why is that OK?!" |
| In New Zealand having a spider would mean having icecream and soda pop! |
JOY! Is an internationally acclaimed life transformation coach, famous for her unreasonable success in helping people move through their challenges with her unorthodox approach and emPOWERment tools. For more information, visit her website ExperienceJoy.com or call 044-322-129-1128.
 Click HERE for more articles by JOY! | 
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