Editorials | Opinions | August 2007  
Americans From 18 to 42 Should Expect SPP-Inspired Military Draft From Bush Administration
Guy Pelletier - The Canadian go to original

| Lieutenant General Douglas E. Lute. | It is basic commonsense that Americans from 18 to 42 should expect a military draft, perhaps in the not too distant future. Why, you might enquire? After all, the U.S. Bush administration along with the Pentagon has officially rejected the idea of a draft. The official U.S. Bush administration position is that the voluntary military is working well. However, you should also at the same time be all too familiar with the phenomenon of lying politicians. Don't be fooled by political rhetoric that is designed to manipulate the masses, into deception from the ugly truth. The truth. lies in the action of individuals and groups.
 The Bush administration's appointment of a "pro-U.S. military draft" so-called "war czar", presents absolute proof to a growing constituency of Americans, that a military draft is in the immediate planning horizon. This proof of a military draft agenda, is only even further reinforced by the Security and Prosperity and Partnership (SPP) Agreement, which Mr. Bush seeks to confirm, in Montebello, Québec, with Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and the Mexican President.
 The SPP, is a planned government of military and business elites, with neo-conservative intellectuals, which is being set up to replace all current existing democratic institutions in the U.S., including Congress, as well as in Canada, and also in Mexico. The occurrence of a "convenient" opportunistic serious terrorist attack on U.S. soil, is to trigger a new military-style authoritarian dictatorship similar to China, that would be based upon terms to be confirmed in Montebello, this August 20 and 21.
 The leaders of Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, are seeking to confirm the signing of the SPP as a trigger mechanism to launch a Chinese style authoritarian military-dictatorship. This SPP inspired dictatorship, would be accompanied by a military draft.
 The SPP could be regarded as a "life insurance plan against democracy". "Allow" a terror attack, then all that hard work in creating the SPP, "pays off", including, BINGO, more needed troops ready to vanquish the Muslim scapegoats behind that new terrorist attack.
 It is hoped that with an opportunistic terror attack on U.S. soil, a military draft would receive the kind of wide public support that the far distant Vietnam War, could not achieve about the draft. The SPP through its "North American Union", would enable the U.S. military to chase any "draft dodgers" in Canada, that was previously out of reach from the U.S. military during the Vietnam War.
 Congressman Charles Rangle (D-NY) , a proud supporter of SPP related interests has already drafted the Bill that would "require all persons" between the age of 18 and 42 years to perform "national service", in either the uniformed military or the civilian service sector.
 U.S. women are to be drafted right along with the men, irrespective of whether they are mothers, housewives, office workers, burger flippers, college students, or recent high school graduates.
 U.S. Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards declared on 11 Aug 2007 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, about Mr. Bush's principal military advisor that, "Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute's recent statement that the Bush Administration is considering a draft, reveals the true danger of the Administration's breathtaking failures in Iraq and around the world. Now, instead of ending this war and doing what is right for our troops, their families and the nation, President Bush is floating the idea of a draft that would send more young Americans to Iraq."
 Mr. Bush picked Gen. Lute in mid-May 2007 as a deputy national security adviser with responsibility for ensuring efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, are coordinated with policymakers in Washington.
 "I think it makes sense to certainly consider it," Army Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute diplomatically revealed in an interview with National Public Radio's All Things Considered.
 U.S. Republican Presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul who is against the Iraq War, revealed in 27 November 26 that, "Retired Army General Barry McCaffrey, claims that our ground forces in both Afghanistan and Iraq are stretched far too thin, and desperately need reinforcements."
 "Meanwhile, other political and military leaders suggest that several hundred thousand additional troops might be needed simply to restore some semblance of order in Iraq. We are nearing the point where a choice will have to be made: either decrease our troop commitments in Iraq and Afghanistan significantly, or produce thousands of new military recruits quickly," elaborated Presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul.
 The U.S. Bush administration, has resisted any efforts to reduce the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and the Middle East. Since the U.S. military troop commitments are already extended to the maximum, a U.S. military draft is the only way that the U.S. Bush administration can significantly boost military troop deployments in the next reported phase of war agenda against Iran and other countries.
 "With hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in literally hundreds of foreign nations, we simply don't have enough soldiers to invade and occupy every country labelled a threat or deemed ripe for regime change. Given the choice, many in Congress would rather draft more young bodies, than rethink our role as world policeman and bring some of our troops home," wrote Jennifer Reynolds in Gambling911.com on 12 August 2007. Ms. Reynolds is an apparent articulate supporter of the Ron Paul for President campaign.
 "Conscription is wrongly associated with patriotism, when really it represents collectivism and involuntary servitude", elaborates Jennifer Reynolds on the apparent U.S. Bush administration plans for a draft.
 Mr. Lute, says the war was causing stress to families and affected levels of re-enlistment. He suggests that reinstating the Draft which was last held in the United States during the Vietnam War era was necessary because the volunteer army is breaking down from the family stress of sending loved ones in harms way.
 "This kind of stress plays out across dinner tables and in living-room conversations within these families. And ultimately the health of the all-volunteer force is going to rest on those sorts of personal family decisions." U.S. military elites want to be able to conduct their military expansionist agenda with a draft, having been freed of being able to be effected by re-considering troop deployments, based upon voluntary service.
 The rationalization is that a Military draft would relieve the army from having to keep sending over the same groups of military personnel to the Middle East and other areas where the U.S. plans to consolidate its military occupation, or to launch new pre-emptive military strikes.
 As social awareness grows about the worsening social injustice of U.S. wars in the Middle East and about military occupations elsewhere. Military elites are seeking the draft, so they can stop worrying about the kinds of attitudes that Ken Adachi articulated on 3 February 2004:
 "I voluntarily joined the military many years ago and thought it was the right thing to do. I felt good about it, and told others that it was a good way to grow up and see the world. At the time, of course, I thought that the government was legit, that the U.S. was the "good guy" of the world, and that we were 'maintaining the peace' and preventing the spread of communism and all of that brainwashing crap that they keep feeding us, generation after generation. Now, I know better. The government is in the hands of satanic Globalist traitors, who are following a script to destroy America and its people (from within & without), in order to decimate the only country remaining that could (or would) offer any real opposition to the One World Government takeover."
 As elites seek to over-turn and reverse the original American Revolution, with the kind of "arbitrary government", and "taxation without representation" that inspired the colonists of the Thirteen Colonies to rebel, what will be the response of today's Americans? Will America simply fade away with a whimper, while its citizens are being distracted with crass materialism, which includes the pursuit of the "finer things in life"? Do Americans share the kind of spirit with the colonists who fought for a substantive democracy and freedoms, so that they can now re-inspire the American Dream, away from a fascist construct?
 Canadian activists, invite Americans with their U.S. flags, to drive to Montebello, Quebec (between Ottawa, and Montreal) for peaceful protests, this August 19, and 20, against the planned "North American Summit", in order to show solidarity of cross-national public resolve. Help demonstrate your shared commitment to preserve the democratic-inspired nations of Canada and the U.S. from being replaced by a "New American Union", which is being secretively panned to be governed by elites, rather than by democracy.
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