Editorials | Opinions | August 2007  
The Cheney Affair
Ted Lang - Global Research go to original
 Now that mainstream media bias is an established fact and recognized as such by the mainstream reading and viewing public, the revelation of Vice President Dick Cheney's total unilateral control over all levels and branches of American government has not only raised eyebrows and concerns of dictatorship, but for those politically astute, begs the question as to why the Washington Post would be the journalistic vehicle to publish the four-part June 24 through June 27 series exposing this reality.
 The Post's publisher, Donald E. Graham, has once again participated in the annual secret Bilderberg conclave, the latter the principal organizational player whose membership is made up of extremely high-level international bankers, mass media publishers, corporatists in both the oil industry and the military-industrial complex, and other principal international political movers and shakers. Bilderberg's primary objective is a one world global government, the New World Order. And the NWO will be phased in via the European and then the North American Union.
 Is it safe to say that the most recent Bilderberg (http://www.bilderberg.org/2007.htm) meeting, held in Istanbul May 31 to June 3rd, considered the most vital issues confronting future global government? And of course, those issues would have been 1) Iraq, and 2) Iran. It is clear that American, British and Israeli control over Mid East oil is definitely on the agenda in their lockstep, jackboot march to deliver US all to the New World Order. This triumvirate is the world's "real axis of evil."
 Mountain ranges of corporate money have been provided to Congress by lobbyists and corporatists representing the oil industry, military weapons contractors, AIPAC, banking and media interests, to not only buy into American government, but to where their "investments" have now facilitated total control of America. They have replaced what was once reserved as the exclusive representative domain of the people of the United States, which allowed the latter their collective voice in government. And the people's representatives, after abandoning America's interests, have turned over congressional war-making powers to Bush, who has in turn delegated virtually all of his presidential duties to Vice President Richard B. Cheney. And Cheney-Bush are profiting personally via heavy investment interests in oil and an oil support industry giant [Halliburton].
 Constitutionally speaking, the Office of Vice President of the United States of America has no duties. This inefficate position in the executive branch serves only as President of the Senate, and then functions legislatively only in an extremely narrow capacity to break a deadlocked vote. Complaints about the "do-nothing" status of the vice president's role and function date back to America's first Vice President, John Adams.
 Considering the absence of constitutionally mandated responsibilities, it should be clear that at least from a regulatory and legal standpoint, there's little to nothing a vice president can do wrong; he has, basically, no executive branch functions. And it is for this reason that Congressman Dennis Kucinich's House Resolution 333, seemed at first, to be a wrong-headed exercise in partisan politics hand wringing.
 But that was before the Washington Post launched its four-part series. The Post is a nationally recognized bastion of the American mass media. It is the paper of (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/watergate/index.html) Watergate fame, the paper of Bradlee, Bernstein and Woodward. And considering all that the Cheney-Bush regime has done to launch NWO, the attempted legalization of Mexican illegals, the private "negotiations" between Bush and the heads of Canada and Mexico to dissolve totally our borders to create a North American Union, the United States' unilateral abolition of the Geneva Conventions and other international treaties ensuring and protecting the sovereignty of independent nations, why would Graham's Washington Post now attack Bilderberg's "dream team?"
 Obviously, something is up with the planners and conspirators maneuvering the human race into a one world global government. The Post series, written by staff writers Barton Gellman and Jo Becker, would never have been allowed off the ground and would have never been accorded so much focus unless it was sanctioned and possibly even urged by the Bilderbergs. And consider the appearance of the series so shortly after the latter's annual secret meeting. So what's up?
 It can only be speculated since the movement for global government is so secret. That is why everything the Cheney-Bush crime machine does is a matter of "national security." 9/11 was indeed an inside job perpetrated by Cheney-Bush; it is the source of their unlimited dictatorial power. But if they arranged 9/11, why the suspension of our Bill of Rights and why the intense spying on Americans? The answer is obvious: they fear Americans will find out, organize, and plan an armed rebellion. They do not fear al Qaeda, because al Qaeda doesn't exist, or at least it didn't exist in terms of planning and executing 9/11. No, Cheney-Bush intend to enslave America, strip it of its national identity, and serve US all up to the New World Order. Multizillionaire international banker David Rockefeller has already admitted to the latter effort.
 Apparently, something has happened to interfere with the bankers' plans and schedule. Perhaps Cheney-Bush have provided too much evidence of their criminal and treasonist intentions, and the threat of an armed rebellion is now looming larger than ever. Perhaps a military coup is in the wind. Or perhaps, the unpopularity of the Cheney-Bush dictatorship is causing even the world conspirators to fractionalize. Whatever it is, something must be up to have triggered the Gellman-Becker series.
 The exposé has now provided solid evidence that Cheney is running the show and is therefore definitely impeachable. As Bruce Fein, a constitutional lawyer and a former associate deputy attorney general under Ronald Reagan wrote in his June 27th article, "Impeach Cheney" and posted in (http://www.slate.com/toolbar.aspx?action=print&id=2169292) Slate, "Under Dick Cheney, the office of the vice president has been transformed from a tiny acorn into an unprecedented giant oak. In grasping and exercising presidential powers, Cheney has dulled political accountability and concocted theories for evading the law and the Constitution that would have embarrassed King George III."
 Fein continues: "The most recent invention we know of is the vice president's insistence that an executive order governing the handling of classified information in the executive branch does not reach his office because he also serves as president of the Senate. In other words, the vice president is a unique legislative-executive creature standing above and beyond the Constitution. The House judiciary committee should commence an impeachment inquiry. As Alexander Hamilton advised in the Federalist Papers, an impeachable offense is a political crime against the nation. Cheney's multiple crimes against the Constitution clearly qualify."
 During the Clinton administration, Bill Clinton "wrote legislation" via executive orders. The opposition's beef at the time was that such presidential fiat executive orders were not national law, but were instead confined to operational directives within the executive branch alone. Now Cheney explains his vision that executive orders do not apply to the executive branch of government, and if they do, they don't apply to him because he has decided he isn't in the executive branch of government. That's not what is written in the Constitution. His arrogant defiance of the United States Constitution and an executive order that applies directly to him constitute the very political crimes attorney Bruce Fein pointed out were in violation of the rule of law of this nation.
 And although the Gellman-Becker Post series started out promisingly enough, and in spite of the fact that it still evidences a refreshing air of professional journalism, Part I of the series defining Cheney's criminal dictatorial control gives way later in the series to a condoning tone and a dimension of approval articulating Cheney's exceptional talent in cutting through the mire of government bureaucracy red tape to arrive expeditiously at common sense solutions. The plight of the Klamath basin farmers in opposing the federal Environmental Protection Agency, a cause resoundingly favored by "conservatives" who hate the bureaucratic stupidity of big government, was presented by the "liberal" Washington Post as a case in point as to Cheney's astonishing and beneficent vision. Huh?! Championing the rights of individuals trying to earn profits over caring, compassionate, Big Brother government is now a cause for the Washington Post?
 As stated, the series does indeed expose Cheney's dictatorial control, but before the series is over, this dictatorial control is offered up as "good" dictatorship. Perhaps this is the real purpose of the series, to admit to Cheney's total control of America, but to blunt its horror and danger by pointing out evidence of beneficence. And considering that no more mention of this horrible anomaly in American government can be found anywhere in the mass media, it would seem that its timing and shock effect would wear off quickly given the newspaper mentality and short collective memory of the American public. Again, it is most difficult to surmise the real intent of the series.
 Part I is the most shocking in terms of describing how one individual controls ALL in American government. Here's an example from the opening paragraph: "Just past the Oval Office, in the private dining room overlooking the South Lawn, Vice President Cheney joined President Bush at a round parquet table they shared once a week. Cheney brought a four-page text, written in strict secrecy by his lawyer. He carried it back out with him after lunch."
 "In less than an hour, the document traversed a West Wing circuit that gave its words the power of command. It changed hands four times, according to witnesses, with emphatic instructions to bypass staff review. When it returned to the Oval Office, in a blue portfolio embossed with the presidential seal, Bush pulled a felt-tip pen from his pocket and signed without sitting down. Almost no one else had seen the text."
 The article continues: "Cheney's proposal had become a military order from the commander in chief. Foreign terrorism suspects held by the United States were stripped of access to any court -- civilian or military, domestic or foreign. They could be confined indefinitely without charges and would be tried, if at all, in closed 'military commissions.'"
 Is this the way American laws should be written? Does this align with Constitutional constraints that provide for a separation of powers and checks and balances to ensure individual freedoms? "Suspects" are now designated as such by the government's executive branch, and proof in a court of law is now no longer required. And what is to differentiate between a terror suspect and any other kind of suspect? And how about members of a political opposition are they also "terrorists" because they disagree with this criminal administration? Only Cheney and Bush now have this power, which they gave to themselves!
 Even members of Bush's own administration were outraged by this dictatorial fiat. Gellman and Becker elaborate after members of the Bush regime found out about the fiat while still in the dark as to its origin: "'What the hell just happened?' Secretary of State Colin L. Powell demanded, a witness said, when CNN announced the order that evening, Nov. 13, 2001. National security adviser Condoleezza Rice, incensed, sent an aide to find out. Even witnesses to the Oval Office signing said they did not know the vice president had played any part."
 As much as Cheney covets total control protected by total secrecy, Gellman and Becker note that, "Cheney expresses indifference, in public and private, to any verdict but history's, and those close to him say he means it." But isn't this the same outlook that can be attributed to Hitler and Stalin? Isn't it the same indifference and arrogance that justifies "breaking some eggs to make an omelet?"
 In the opinion of this writer, there is more behind Cheney's quest for unlimited power, shrouded in absolute secrecy, and all-encompassing in every matter of federal government control. And the article makes it clear, that anyone who crosses Cheney gets wasted. Gellman and Becker point out to the sharp differences of opinion and the conflicts that former EPA Administrator Christie Todd Whitman had with Cheney, differences that led her to eventually resign from the agency. They mention former Attorney General John Ashcroft's differences with Cheney, also leading to his resignation. The article documents Cheney's meddling with both the EPA and the Department of Justice. And his pressuring the CIA for fraudulent intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraqis now well known.
 The Washington Post's Gellman-Becker series is, whatever the reason for its airing, an absolute masterpiece of journalism, but not for reasons that are immediately obvious. It's not the writing style, nor is it even the revelations resultant from intense investigative reporting. Perhaps the real benefits of the article have been totally missed by Graham and the Post's executive staff. The expose answers two not so obvious questions: first, why do we have such an incompetent fool as president, and second, why does such an incompetent fool wield so much power and is so assertive regarding "his" decisions? The series provides the answer: Dick Cheney.
 For early on in the quest to rid America of a very popular yet very destructive president, Cheney's name came up as a dedicated American to replace a dedicated internationalist. And this may be the real reason for the subdued attack/exposure on Cheney. It may not be his fascism that offends, but his nationalism. Perhaps it's Cheney's vision for a New World Order controlled by Washington that bothers the Bilderberg internationalists. And it is this same nationalism which turned off the bankers to both Hitler and Stalin. But there is no need to speculate the connection between Cheney and Bush.
 Undoubtedly, Cheney was the GOP's pick to replace Clinton. But because of his heart problems, Cheney would never win a presidential election. Enter stage right, G. Bush, a simpleton, and an obedient and virtually clueless stooge. Bush serves not only as the buffoon heat sink for the GOP dictatorship, but is also its "decider" as related in the Post's series when describing how Cheney writes law and Bush decides to sign without either reading or understanding what it is that he is signing. The series explores how Cheney decides on everything that is within the federal government's purview.
 The series explains Cheney's involvement and direct supervision and control over the Department of Justice, his intimidation of the EPA, his power over the CIA, his total control of foreign policy, and his total control over the White House staff and Bush. Gellman and Becker try to paint the picture that Bush retains some identity distinct from Cheney's oversight, but at least for this observer, it simply doesn't work. I'm convinced that Cheney is behind EVERYTHING this dangerous, corrupt and criminal regime has perpetrated. And that would include 9/11!
 As Dr. David Ray Griffin has pointed out in his latest book, both the 9/11 Commission report and the government-sanctioned released tapes falsify the timeframe wherein Cheney was in the bunker on 9/11. After reading the Post series, can there be any doubt as to who was in charge on that awful day? Can there be any doubt as to who really ordered those WTC buildings to be "pulled?" Can there be any doubt as to who decided that certain attorneys in the Justice Department were to be let go? And for Hillary and Congressman Nadler, can there be any doubt as to who made the phone call to EPA Administrator Christie Todd Whitman directing her to lie about the condition of the pulverized glass, concrete and steel in the dust and smoke of the disintegrated WTC buildings? Hillary demanded to know who gave the order to Whitman; now we know!
 The benefit of this journalistic effort has little to do with presentation; it has everything to do with timeliness and the solving of the types of mysteries such as Hillary and Congressman Nadler were looking into. Can one imagine the anger in Whitman for having to take the fall for the very guy that forced her to resign? Here are Gellman and Becker again: "Stealth is among Cheney's most effective tools. Man-size Mosler safes, used elsewhere in government for classified secrets, store the workaday business of the office of the vice president. Even talking points for reporters are sometimes stamped 'Treated As: Top Secret/SCI.' Experts in and out of government said Cheney's office appears to have invented that designation, which alludes to 'sensitive compartmented information,' the most closely guarded category of government secrets. By adding the words 'treated as,' they said, Cheney seeks to protect unclassified work as though its disclosure would cause 'exceptionally grave damage to national security.'"
 And, "Across the board, the vice president's office goes to unusual lengths to avoid transparency. Cheney declines to disclose the names or even the size of his staff, generally releases no public calendar and ordered the Secret Service to destroy his visitor logs. His general counsel has asserted that 'the vice presidency is a unique office that is neither a part of the executive branch nor a part of the legislative branch,' and is therefore exempt from rules governing either. Cheney is refusing to observe an executive order on the handling of national security secrets, and he proposed to abolish a federal office that insisted on auditing his compliance." Have you ever seen a better description of a total dictatorship?
 If the evidence wasn't there before, it sure as hell is now! Cheney is absolutely guilty as charged, and Congress now has the evidence. Congressman Kucinich hit the nail perfectly on the head, and the time for Congress to nail the Cheney-Bush regime is long overdue. Nothing more needs to be written or said about the Cheney-Bush regime; it's now all been said. And in conjunction with the continuously mounting scientific evidence proving the 9/11 terrorist acts as being inside jobs, we also know of Cheney's modus operandi and his commitment to history instead of his required dedication to America and its people. Has there ever been a more immoral character than Cheney capable of the expression "the public be damned?"
 As Bruce Fein wrote after reading the Post series, "Cheney must be impeached!" Fein documents the long list of criminal activities the Bush administration, now proven to be under the total control of Cheney, has perpetrated against the American people and the entire human race for which the administration, the Congress, AND the American people must now all be held accountable for in the eyes of our Creator. How many letters have you sent to your congressional representatives and senators? How many discussion groups or activist groups have you joined or participated in? Should you come up with a negative response, then YOU are guilty as well! Anyone who remains silent witnessing these egregious crimes and the evil of merely one "human" being should consider themselves an accessory, before, during and after the fact. It is time to impeach, sentence and punish these most dangerous and evil criminals! | 
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