Editorials | Opinions | August 2007  
Bush Administration's North American Union SPP Plan Reveals a Totalitarian Agenda
Paul Chen - The Canadian go to original

| U.S. President George W. Bush. | At a recent News Conference in Canada which was convened by the Coalition to Block the North American Union, Tom DeWeese who is President of the American Policy Center, eloquently presented, the essential fascism of the so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP).
 The U.S. Bush Administration and its allies, are seeking to create a fascist state, in a very clever way, through "Public-Private Partnerships" or PPPs that Mr. DeWeese identified.
 The SPP, is basically an ominous "merger" of the largest corporations in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, with the governments of these societies, further backed with U.S. military and comprehensive police enforcement. The so-called Montebello summit of North American leaders, was a mere dress rehearsal of a clique of well-documented Neo-Nazi interests that seek to create a fascist state. In the Neo Nazi sponsored NAU, the people will have what American colonists referred to as "taxation without representation",with added oppression.
 You can look up the political backgrounds of both Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President George Bush, and you will discover well-reported associations with far right organizations and interests.
 Let me present to you what kind of society that SPP architects are apparently seeking to consolidate and to further advance. Imagine, for a moment, a society in which the phone company you use to make your calls, the McDonald's down the street, the Walmart a half-kilometre away, your favourite newspaper, the Television news that you watch, the police and military, the politicians, and the supermarket up the street, and government agencies are all the same entity. Yep, that's what the SPP is all about.
 The SPP is a negotiation convocation between the most rich and powerful corporations and government, to combine themselves into the most people-oppressive entity that the world has ever seen. The Bush administration, seeks to use the pretext of the “War on Terrorism” to merge corporate and government power, in a climate of fear, which, in turn, is being executed by a clique of greed-driven elites.
 SPP elites participants hope to "end politics" in a “North American Union” (NAU). The NAU will be managed by a One Party State, parallel to the Communist Party, which runs the People's Republic of China, and reminiscent of the National Socialist Party of Nazi Germany. Corporate elites will not need to waste money trying to lobby politicians on legislation, because corporations and government will be speak, and act as one force.
 In the envisioned NAU, people will work when they are told to work, and be paid what they are given, and speak when they are spoken to. Dissidents, will not be tolerated by the aspiring "One World Government". There will be no place to "run and hide", because all telephones and other communications will be controlled by a unified political-military-industrial complex. Everyone will be tracked by "Big Brother". There will be no such thing as "public healthcare", which will be represented as diverting precious resources away from "victory".
 Even food will not be out of the reach of management by Big Brother, through the genetic engineering programmes, and other "social experiments" with the collusion of military and industrial interestsm against humanity.
 In the NAU, soaring poverty, as a result of the mass cancellation of social programs and resulting initial soaring crime will be dealt with by the mass rounding up of "trouble makers" in horrific labour camps.
 Religious leaders, and others citizens would be forced into becoming informers for "Big Brother", to weed out activists, and other potential "trouble makers" against the "infinite wisdom" of Big Brother.
 The public is not invited into the initial steps to form the NAU, because it is the public which will be victimized and subjugated by the SPP's clandestine agenda.
 The SPP is the creation of a demonic consciousness which now relies on the Hiterlian technique of the "Big Lie" to cover-up its ultimate goals.
 The mass-media have already been largely already assimilated by Big Brother. SPP architects, hope to conquer the internet to help complete their efforts toward creating a fear-inspired totalitarian society.
 The PPPs which Mr. Tom DeWeese described in the Coalition to Block North American Union news conference on 20 August 2007, in Ottawa, Canada, is the organizational context for the creation of a North American Union (NAU). The planned NAU is to be ruled by an all-powerful "Big Brother", where democracy will cease to operate.
 However, the SPP does not appear to stop there.
 Imagine a North American Union SPP deliberations, where North America specifically, and the world in general, are being neatly divided up into parcels for various corporate monopolies.
 Mr. DeWeese and his colleagues in the Coalition to Block the North American Union, have already well documented various corporations being corruptly awarded millions and billions in dollars of contract.
 This kind of fascistic corporate and government collusion, is already in full swing in places like Iraq, with preference being given to corporations with connections to the U.S. Bush administration.
 While the Bush administration in public, extols the virtues of liberty, freedom, and "free enterprise", Mr. DeWeese, and other researchers reveal that it is apparent that the SPP agenda is an attempt to re-create Adolf Hitler's "corporatist" Nazi Economic Programme. In the North American Union that SPP architects envision, liberty, freedom, and "free enterprise" will be replaced by "enterprise" which is totally controlled under the social regimentation of fascist-inspired cliques.
 Now, further imagine a SPP meeting context where elites behind closed doors are not simply preparing for worst case scenarios, as the public is being lead to believe, but instead are actively planning to instigate and co-ordinate pre-emptive nuclear war to "take over the world".
 According to the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) which inspires Mr. Bush, the Bush doctrine, that was practiced in Iraq, like Adolf Hitler's own doctrine of war, pivots on the importance of "pre-emptive" strikes. The Bush doctrine views the idea that "war should be pursued as a last resort" as being a policy for "weak minded people".
 It would therefore be erroneous to believe that the SPP is anything but a creature of the Bush doctrine. The PNAC intellectuals that inspire the Bush administration, also believe that America must be prepared to use its nuclear arsenal, to enforce "American interests" as defined by a clique of elites.
 PNAC intellectuals have been quoted as saying in effect that it is no point that America produces and makea nuclear weapons, if it is not prepared to use them. According to them, "who cares" if billions of people are killed, and the environment destroyed from nuclear fall-out, if that is the "price to pay" for victory.
 The mass-media has indeed not reported on the substance of the SPP, because the mass-media organizations are being currently "merged" in the new Big Brother entity, that elites seek to institutionalize through the creation of the NAU, toward a "New World Order".
 If the Canadian, American, and Mexican peoples allow the formal creation of the NAU, the largest corporations, government, the military, and a fascist clique will all speak and act as one voice.
 The SPP is a "Council of War", that is designed to "creatively" bring about a "New World Order" under its complete control. In this New World Order, the masses will become virtually slaves to elites, with dissenters being thrown into "detention centres" for "re-education".
 Once the corporate-government merger talks are completed, as to which elites will get what in the planned "New World Order", one can expect the NAU to be launched under an instigated terrorist pre-text, where the NAU will presented as an "Emergency Response Council".
 This Emergency Response Council would then present itself as having the mandate to restore "Order", and instigate a required military draft to "once and for all" vanquish the Muslims. Dissenters would be viewed to be a threat to that order, and Muslims in North America who "must have caused the massive terrorist attack" (and other "freedom-hating" activists as Mr. Bush and his allies might say), would be placed in "detention" centres like Guantanamo Bay and other such places, reminiscent of the "detention" centres of Nazi Germany.
 It is apparent that Nazi sympathizers associated with the SPP agenda are following a script, which Nazis are reputed to follow.
 Indeed, Richard M. Dolan and others have compared 9/11 World Trade Center "terrorist attack" with the Reichstag Fire, which was started by Nazis, who at that time, blamed "Jewish Communists" in their scapegoating efforts.
 The SPP is creating its own incentive to instigate an act of terrorism that it can in turn use to legitimate the pre-emptive Bush doctrine agenda of inspired pre-emptive "War for Commercial Profit".
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