Editorials | Opinions | September 2007  
Cuba: Castro Saved President Reagan
Humberto Fontova - NewsMax go to original

 |  | I'll tell you something that will rock you. Kennedy tried to get Castro, but Castro got Kennedy first. - Lyndon Johnson |  |  | The latest essay from Fidel Castro's ghostwriters (referred to as "Fidel Castro" by news agencies that have earned Havana bureaus) claims the Cuban Maximum leader saved President Ronald Reagan's life in 1984. "Right-wing terrorists" (the same bunch, you may recall, that the same source blames for JFK's assassination) were plotting the murder of President Reagan during a campaign visit to Charlotte North Carolina.
 Luckily, Cuban security officials working at the U.N. penetrated to the very heart of the plot. "The information was complete," claims the "Fidel Castro" essay, published Sept. 11. "The names of those implicated in the plan; day, time and hour where the assassination could occur; the type of weapon the terrorists had and where they kept their arms; and along with all that, the meeting place of those elements planning the action as well as a brief summary of what had occurred in said meeting,"
 U.S. authorities eagerly and unquestioningly accepted the information. They sprung quickly to action, foiling the plotted assassination and nabbing the dastardly right-wingers. Then they thanked Castro's agents profusely.
 Neither the FBI nor Republican officials seem to recall anything of the sort. But no matter. The "Fidel Castro" essay demonstrating his solicitude for president Reagan's well-being is dutifully making the global rounds on all the usual wires.
 Fidel Castro has not been seen in public in over a year and even his last picture is over 100 days old.
 No absence remotely of this duration is recorded in his 48 year reign. In fact, whenever bed-ridden in the past, the Cuban press always made it a point to run film clips and photos of him, even as he lay prostrate in his hospital bed, showing his glowing face was important for the regime.
 We can only assume that nowadays his face is in no condition to be shown.
 "His" latest essay, however, is based on a sound premise: intimate knowledge of assassination attempts against U.S presidents and presidential candidates (especially those whose foreign policy might inconvenience Havana) has indeed been a trademark of the Cuban DGI (Directorio General de Intelligencia.)
 On March 19, 1976, for instance, the Los Angles Times ran the headline "Cuban Link to Death Plot Probed." The L.A. Times story revealed that according one of the plotters, Gregg Daniel Adornetto, both Republican candidates of the day, President Ford and Ronald Reagan, were to be assassinated during the Republican National Convention in San Francisco. The Emiliano Zapata Unit, a Bay Area radical terrorist group, would make the hits. After his arrest, Adornetto revealed the assassination plot's "Cuban link" as a Cuban DGI agent named Andres Gomez.
 Adornetto had met him years earlier when as a member of the terrorist Weather Underground he traveled to Cuba for training and funding.
 Much evidence points to an earlier assassination plot by Castro against a U.S. President bearing fruit. "U.S leaders who plan on eliminating Cuban leaders should not think that they are themselves safe!" warned Castro on Sept. 7 1963. "We are prepared to answer in kind!"
 Many of those closest to the early evidence were convinced that Castro made good on his boast. "I'll tell you something that will rock you," Lyndon Johnson told Howard K. Smith in 1966. "Kennedy tried to get Castro, but Castro got Kennedy first."
 General and former Secretary of Defense Alexander Haig agreed with LBJ. Haig served as a military aide under both the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. "As I read the secret report I felt a sense of physical shock, a rising of the hair on the back of my neck," he writes about an incident one month after the Kennedy assassination when a classified report crossed his desk. "I walked the report over to my superiors and watched their faces go ashen." "From this moment, Al," said his superiors, "you will forget you ever read this piece of paper, or that it ever existed."
 The classified intelligence report that so rattled Haig and caused so many faces to go ashen described how a few days before the Dallas assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald, accompanied by Castro intelligence agents, had been spotted in Havana, where he'd traveled from Mexico city.
 A documentary released last year by award winning German filmmaker Wilfred Huismann makes much the same case as General Haig's, who is featured prominently in the documentary. "President Johnson said we simply must not allow the American people to believe that Fidel Castro could have killed our president." said General Haig. "And the reason was that there would be a right-wing uprising in America, which would keep the Democratic party out of power for two generations."
 Huismann, by the way, is no Cuban Exile Crackpot!” or even a right-winger. The documentary titled, Rendezvous with death, was shown worldwide to much interest and some acclaim. One nation where Huismann proved unable to obtain a venue for a showing was the United States, a fascinating coincidence considering the subject matter.
 An earlier documentary titled, "The Men Who Killed Kennedy," features a cast of characters undreamt of even by Oliver Stone. It features more gunmen on the grassy knoll than could conceivably fit on Mt. McKinley, only Captain Kangaroo is missing. It casts J. Edgar Hoover and Texas Gov. John Connolly as among the plotters with Vice President Lyndon Johnson as the plot's kingpin.
 Both the History Channel and A&E jumped at the chance to run this "documentary." For maximum exposure the History Channel even ran it as a series rather than a single show. But one that features a former U.S. secretary of Defense and NATO chief as witness didn't make the cut with the U.S. media. Haig regards JFK's assassination as a form of "blowback" for his and his brother Bobby's repeated and often idiotic attempts to kill Castro, as does director Huismann. You'd think this might have made it appealing to the U.S. Media. Alas, the evidence seems to point the finger too convincingly at Castro for their tastes.
 I know, I know, we can argue this evidence till the cows come home. My point is the mainstream media phobia (John Stossel excepted) against running anything that might implicate Fidel Castro in anything more unsavory than providing free and superb healthcare.
 Humberto Fontova is the author of "Exposing the Real Che Guevara and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him." Visit http://www.hfontova.com/. | 
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