Editorials | Opinions | September 2007  
Mitt Romney's Mexican Connection
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| Mitt Romney | In an April visit to Phoenix, Romney demonstrated that he is inept on the actualities of the Mexican invasion, a logistics numskull, and clearly waters at the same amnesty trough as Bush, McCain, Kennedy, Kyl, Graham, and fellow GOP candidate Sam Brownback. Romney divulged both of these wonderful traits in a single sentence: "When we learn how many people there are and what their individual circumstances are, then we can decide how to proceed with each individual."
 Well let’s see there Mitt, just how long will it take to interview 30 million cesspool jumpers and on whose tab? Perhaps by the time the last one is interviewed, you can start on the next 30 million; perhaps by the end of the first round George W’s nephew George "Poncho" Bush will be ready to takeover the Chief Executive helm?
 (You will recall – or not - that prior to the 2004 general election, Poncho was down in Mexico campaign-blabbing for his uncle’s re-election in Mexican jib jab. That in itself was constitutional blasphemy on the sovereignty scale, but GOP goose-steppers and America’s ignorant masses blew it off like a speck of dust. That red flag waving in the eyes of the blind explains why Bush has leaped for the gold AMNESTY ring and why we are up to our genitals in illegal Mexicans.)
 Romney had preceded his ridiculous "individual circumstances" statement with another double-barrel blast of ineptitude: "...Instead, the estimated 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally should be required to register with the government." No doubt, Romney’s handlers told him to reference a head count from the year 2000, not the possible 30+ million who are actually here. Romney has a clear, strong-handed approach: REQUIRE that illegal aliens register with his receptionist. Perhaps he will later suggest the mandatory wearing of sombreros to avoid racial profiling.
 The more Romney opens his mouth about illegal immigration, the more clear that he is heir apparent to the non-feasance immigration policy of George Bush, perhaps even worse. Romney is most capable of talking out of both sides of his rear end and hopes nobody notices. At a recent session of the "Republican National Hispanic Assembly Convention ", here is what the left side of Romney’s ass spewed: Praising Hispanics as "quintessentially American", the former Massachusetts governor said the nation's immigration policy should help open doors for people with such strong beliefs. "I want to make sure we continue an open door in immigration that welcomes people who come here with those kinds of values," he said.
 Hispanics are "quintessential Americans"? Certainly there is a percentage that fit that description. Was Romney referring to the them or the majority, such as the ones with shaved heads and La Raza tattoos or the newly arrived "quintessential" ones crapping in your flower bed? Most native-born American Hispanics are certainly quintessential apple pie and baseball. They only have Mexican flag decals on their cars, redecorate their houses in pink stucco, and speak in Spanish 95% of the time to maintain their heritage. The key words in Romney’s revealing utterance are "OPEN DOOR". Let’s see the GOP Third Reich spin that one into "tough on enforcement".
 Mitt Romney has telegraphed every signal that if elected president, he will be another amnesty-cheap labor-path to citizenship criminal S.O.B. with full power and congressional immunity to cast the country deeper into the Sonoran septic tank. George Bush has enabled irreversible damage in his seven years of "open door" immigration enforcement, with his only known genetic tie to Mexico being his nephew "Poncho". Romney on the other hand, has half of his gene pool cemented in Mexico as a result of ancestral polygamy.
 Romney’s great-grandfather, Miles Park Romney, fled the United States 122 years ago to Colonia Juarez, Mexico to start a polygamous colony there at the direction of the Mormon church in Utah. He eventually had a total of five wives and fathered 30 children, one of which was Gaskell Romney’s, Mitt’s grandfather, who was born prior to the exodus to Mexico. Mitt Romney’s father George was born in Mexico. Twenty seven years after establishing the polygamous colony there, the Mexican revolution drove half of the family back into the states, when George Romney was 5 years old.
 When George Romney ran for president in 1968, there were constitution questions regarding his disqualification, as he was not a "natural born citizen". Since his campaign fizzled like a party balloon with a pinhole leak, the issue never reached full litigation. When Mitt was asked about this incident recently, he said that his father assumed that he was allowed to seek the presidency because "his parents were citizens."
 Today, more than forty Romneys remain in the Colonia Juarez colony, including Mitt’s cousin Mike Romney. The ‘clan’ has long since abandoned the practice of polygamy and cousin Mike supports Mitts run for President.
 With America currently under a massive invasion and siege from the criminal and dirt poor masses of Mexico, how could anyone in their right mind believe that Mitt Romney is the man to put in the White House? Americans have been screaming their lungs out for six-plus years for ENFORCEMENT of immigration laws, sealing the Mexican border, and are ready to take up arms to get it. Any idiot can conjure up the fact that sealing the border and full-blown inland enforcement will fire up the hot tamales of Mexico, and who will be hell bent of retaliation.
 Does anyone REALLY believe Mitt Romney is fit for this task with a Mexican-born father and up to half of his blood relatives STILL residing in the land of the all-night taco stand? Why not just vote for half-breed candidate and Democrat Bill Richardson? Or better still, let’s all reach across the isle and support a Romney-Richardson ticket.
 You know the old saying. "The Mormon the Mexier"
 Or how about: "M & M’s – they melt in your wallet, not in your hand" | 
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