Editorials | Opinions | October 2007  
Time to Remove Both Bush & Cheney
Doug Thompson - Capitol Hill Blue go to original
 George W. Bush is an American Hitler. We can no longer deny that unpleasant reality and we must face the sad fact that the President of the United States is an international war criminal, a despot who sanctions torture and a madman who is nothing less than a mass murderer.
 Impeachment of this criminal is no longer an option. It is a necessity. Bush, along with his partner in crime Dick Cheney, must be removed from office. They must be arrested and tried for their crimes and, upon conviction, they must be punished to the full extent of the law.
 The United States can no longer sit back and allow the slow, plodding wheels of Democracy take its course. We cannot wait until January 20, 2009, to remove these thugs from office. It must happen now. He is a threat not only to the peace and security of the United States but represents a clear and present danger to the world as we know it.
 Bush is an international terrorist far more dangerous than Osama bin Laden. Bush is a Hitler with nuclear weapons, an unhinged, megalomaniacal madman bent on world destruction.
 On Friday, Bush defended his administration’s use of torture. He has ordered the Pentagon to draw up plans for an invasion of Iran and authorized the military to develop scenarios that include the use of nuclear weapons in such a war. He has placed loyalists in permanent positions on many key federal agencies, ensuring that his insane policies will be carried out long after he leaves office.
 I’m sorry, but as an American I can no longer sit back and leave the removal of George W. Bush from office to the flawed political system. That is the system that put him into office, not once but twice, and it is the system that has allowed him to seize control of the government and subvert the will of the American people.
 The Democratic leadership of Congress failed the American people by not delivering on the promises that swept them into power in the 2006 midterm elections. The only way they can restore credibility is by taking the drastic, but necessary, steps to remove Bush and Cheney from office before they destroy this nation and the world.
 I truly believe the situation is that desperate, that this nation cannot survive another 15 months with Bush and his cronies in power.
 The time to act is now…before it is too late.
 I only pray it not already too late. | 
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