Editorials | Opinions | November 2007  
How Americans Dishonor Our Soldiers
Joyanna Adams - WorldNetDaily go to original

 |  | O God of battles! Steel my soldiers' hearts; Possess them not with fear; take from them now
The sense of reckoning, if the opposed numbers Pluck their hearts from them. – "Henry V" (1599), Act 4, Scene 1 |  |  | The holidays are approaching, and here in Middle America it's business as usual. The Christmas sales started long before Thanksgiving due to the bad economy, which of course is always great no matter whom you listen to.
 With the news from Pakistan, everyone is keeping our eyes on Iran. In fact, you'd never know we were at war if President Bush didn't come out every once in a while and remind us.
 Funny how the times changes. During the Vietnam War, every night during dinnertime, the war was flashed on TV, which made it very real. You saw bodies, lots of gunfire and bleeding soldiers.
 And despite all the liberals bellyaching about the Iraq war, they really haven't done much about it. It's all about scoring political points for them, and nothing else.
 But somewhere this holiday season, there will be a father who lost son, a mother who lost a daughter, a soldier who lost his best friend, families who deserve a hell of a lot more recognition than they are getting.
 There should be at least one cable station with nothing but news about the war, with victories reported daily for the families. They don't have to give secrets away – just real news from real reporters, instead of what we get: maps and generalities.
 Is that too much to ask?
 But, while the Iraq war is far away, and kept from our sight, America has been invaded from the south. We are being "erased" without a gunshot being fired.
 It's the biggest invasion and takeover of a country that has ever happened in history, an invasion being sold as "people who are wonderful" for our economy.
 Yesterday, I got a haircut from the same guy I have been going to for over 20 years. I always thought he was a liberal. He grew up as a radical hippie during the Vietnam War, as many of us did. He only recently cut his long hair.
 He has been in the same neighborhood running his own business it seems forever – in a neighborhood that has changed dramatically in the past 10 years. Hispanic businesses are going up on every block.
 He was telling me about how right next door a Mexican woman opened up a barbershop, and in the window she hung a big Mexican flag.
 So he got a flagpole and put up an even bigger American flag. You bet he was angry.
 "The Mexicans want to come to our country, set up their businesses, and use our public schools – but they do not want to become Americans," he said.
 And why should they? Only a very small handful of "rulers" in our Congress see the end of American sovereignty as a bad thing.
 Just the other day, Daddy Bush was talking about how he has two grandsons that would do very well in "public service": In other words – as future presidents.
 And they speak Spanish; all the big career politicians do. They want Americans to learn Spanish.
 Well, I suggest we should ask all candidates if the Mexican flag trumps the American flag and if Americans will be arrested for taking down the Mexican flags. Hey – it's a legitimate question.
 The plain truth is our politicians are global citizens. Very few of them care about "America" it seems. While they have kept us all fighting – the blacks and whites, the Democrats and Republicans – they opened our borders and kept the invasion a big secret.
 How? They just kept it off TV.
 I'm mad. I'm just as mad as I was last year at this time, but more so. While the liberals tell us we have nothing to fear from al-Qaida and both parties tell us we have nothing to fear from the Mexican invasion, we all sit here like dopes hoping we can afford the gas prices and heavy taxes we all see no end to.
 If the American people don't get really mad and unite for our own survival soon, and defy our own leaders who control us all with their relentless propaganda and diversionary tactics, we fail every single brave man or woman that ever gave his or her life for America.
 Our American soldier's hearts will be plucked out and discarded in the sands of Iraq, because we did not match their courage and stand our ground here at home.
 May we give thanks to our Creator this Thanksgiving, and May the God of Shakespeare's battle steel some American hearts. | 
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