Editorials | Opinions | November 2007  
Support House Resolution 333 for Impeachment!
 We are asking everyone to take a moment to send a letter to their congressional representative to co-sponsor House Resolution 333 for the impeachment of Dick Cheney. Make sure your representative at least call for an open House debate on impeachment.
 As we reported last week, House Resolution 333 for the impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney is off the House floor, and has instead been sent to the Judiciary Committee for "further study." This maneuver, organized by Pelosi and the Democratic leadership, is consistent with their mantra that impeachment is "off the table."
 But not so fast. Some House members not associated with Kucinich’s resolution are now openly calling for immediate hearings into Cheney’s impeachable actions—specifically lying the country into a war in Iraq, and threatening war with Iran. Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL), not a co-sponsor of the resolution, has called for the Judiciary Committee to take up the impeachment resolution, admitting that,"Cheney and the Bush Administration have demonstrated a consistent pattern of abusing the law and misleading Congress and the American people."
 Because of popular pressure, even those who have wanted nothing to do with impeachment, are now willing to give impeachment its day in court. Congressional representatives are being deluged by their constituents demanding that the House act on impeachment.
 Impeachment is on the move. We are asking everyone to take a moment to send a letter to your congressional representative to co-sponsor House Resolution 333 for the impeachment of Dick Cheney. Make sure your representative at least calls for an open House debate and hearings on impeachment. No more maneuvering, no more deception! Carry out the responsibilities mandated by the Constitution of the United States!
 The movement is making progress that seemed out of reach just a few months ago. Make an urgently needed donation right now to help the movement continue to move forward. As Ramsey Clark said in his last email, "We need to run newspaper ads in the major national and regional papers to energize and recruit concerned persons. This needs lots of money. We need your help now." Click this link to make an urgently needed donation right now.
 Keep up the pressure! -All of us at ImpeachBush.org / VotetoImpeach.org | 
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