Editorials | Issues | December 2007  
NAFTA a Disaster for Mexican Producers
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 Mexico City - The National Farmer Confederation (CNC) said the opening of borders to tariff-free US, Canadian food as of January 1st will mean a disaster for Mexican producers.
 The tax relief included in the North American Free Trade Agreement, which has been strongly criticized by farmer organizations because it implies unfair competition, will come into force on the very first day of next year.
 It is based on strong official subsidy and technical potential of producers from the two most developed economies, marking disadvantage of local rural media.
 CNC said that in the case of beans, the second most important crop in Mexico, 750,000 workers will loose its marketing potential, estimated at about 1.10 million tons a year.
 Bean producers won't be able to compete with those from US and Canada; therefore, this bean growing area is doomed to disappear, with disastrous social consequences, CNC added. | 
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