Editorials | Environmental | December 2007  
Ever Wondered What its Like Being a Wolf?
 WolfQuest is an exciting interactive 3D wildlife simulation game created by the Minnesota Zoo and eduweb, one of the leading developers of digital learning experiences, with funding from the National Science Foundation. WolfQuest players take on the role of a wolf living in Yellowstone National Park.
 Through trial and error, instinct and experience, players learn to maximize both individual and pack survival. Each player discovers how to compete or cooperate, challenge or submit, and defend or attack during complex interactions with other wolves both within and outside their own pack.
 Single-player features include:
 Create your wolf avatar, selecting male or female, choosing from a range of realistic wolf coats, and configuring its abilities. Explore four square kilometers of alpine wilderness on the slopes of Amethyst Mountain in Yellowstone National Park, running across open meadows, through dense fir forests, and along sheer cliffs. Hunt elk. Follow scent trails to locate elk herds, then sneak up on the herd, find the weakest one, and begin your attack. Pursue your prey and sap its strength while dodging its counterattacks, to make the kill. Harrass coyotes who try to eat elk carcasses, or just for the fun of it. Chase and eat snowshoe hares. Find other wolves. Communicate with them through wolf vocalizations and behaviors. Challenge other wolves for territory. Find a mate and establish a bond. Earn experience points to unlock greater challenges and give you bragging rights with other players. Earn enough experience points and, with your mate, try to take down a bull elk without suffering a killing blow from its hooves.
 Multi-player features include:
 All of the above (except find a mate) but with your friends! Form a pack with 2-4 players in private multi-player sessions. Communicate with other players through "wolf talk." Explore the slopes of Amethyst Mountain together, hunting elk, harassing coyotes, and defending your territory from non-player wolves. | 
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