Editorials | Opinions | December 2007  
Crime or Culture?
Peter Bella - The Conservative Voice go to original
 He is at the heart of a great culture war in Texas – and the nation, credited with bringing us prosperity and blamed for abusing our resources. How should we deal with this stranger among us? We end 2007 no closer to compromise on the issue than when the year began.
 People waging a culture war – and that’s what the struggle over illegal immigration is – don’t give up easily. What you think of the illegal immigrant says a lot about what you think of America, and what vision of her you are willing to defend. How we deal with the stranger among us says not only who we Americans are today but determines who we will become tomorrow.
 What a way to end the year! The Dallas Morning News has made criminals their person of the year! I read this at Michelle Malkin’s site. I looked up the article. The two quotes demonstrate that the all powerful, self appointed overseeing, watchdog media has truly lost its way. Illegal immigrants are not responsible for our prosperity. Legal immigrants are. They do abuse our resources. They are entitled to nothing.
 The struggle over illegal immigration is not part of the culture war, like Christmas. Of course Liberals would have us believe the crime is part of the culture war, but that is part of the Liberal fallacy. Illegal immigrants are criminals. The only punishment for their crime is deportation; just like it is in every other country. They are not the stranger among us. The stranger among us is the legal immigrant, who plays by the rules, works hard, learns English, assimilates, and becomes a United States Citizen. How we treat these people says more about us than anything else. We embrace them. We reward their determination. They helped build this country.
 Illegal immigration is a crime, just like any other crime; pure and simple. Maybe next year the Dallas Morning News can make a real hero of the Left their person of the year; Wesely Cook aka Mumia Abu Jamal. He has international status as a political prisoner. He is a Black man who, in an act of cowardice, murdered a White police officer in cold blood. There is a cultural issue for them. Celebrities support this coward so there is a certain cachet surrounding him.
 It is curious that there is no international outcry or complaint by the United Nations over our immigration policy. Every other country in the world deports illegal aliens. If they return, they are imprisoned. The only country who does complain is Mexico. They want their people to come her e- legally or illegally; as many as possible. They are a drain on Mexican resources and inhibit Mexico’s prosperity.
 This is not a cultural issue or part of any culture war. This is a security and economic issue. A nation is defined by its borders and its language. That is the opinion of a Liberal icon, Eugene McCarthy. How we treat the problem of illegal immigration says much about us as a nation. If we forgive and forget, we will be the laughing stock of the world. | 
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