Editorials | Opinions | December 2007  
The Republicans Find Their Obama
Frank Rich - The New York Times go to original
 Could 2008 actually end up being a showdown between the author of "The Audacity of Hope" and the new Man from Hope, Ark.?
 It sounds preposterous, but Washington's shock over Mike Huckabee's sudden rise in the polls - he "came from nowhere," Robert Novak huffed last week - makes you wonder. Having failed to anticipate so much else, including the Barack Obama polling surge of days earlier, the press pack has proved an unreliable guide to election 2008. What the Beltway calls unthinkable today keeps turning out to be front-page news tomorrow.
 The prevailing Huckabee narrative maintains that he's benefiting strictly from the loyalty of the religious right. Evangelical Christians are belatedly rallying around one of their own, a Baptist preacher, rather than settling for a Mormon who until recently supported abortion rights or a thrice-married New Yorker who still does. But that doesn't explain Mr. Huckabee's abrupt ascent to first place in some polling nationwide, where Christian conservatives account for a far smaller slice of the Republican pie than in Iowa. Indeed, this theory doesn't entirely explain Mr. Huckabee's steep rise in Iowa, where Mitt Romney has outspent him 20 to 1, a financial advantage that Mr. Romney leveraged to crush him in the state's straw poll just four months ago.
 What really may be going on here is a mirror image of the phenomenon that has upended Hillary Clinton's "inevitability" among Democrats. Like Senator Obama, Mr. Huckabee is the youngest in his party's field. (At 52, he's also younger than every Democratic contender except Mr. Obama, who is 46.) Both men have a history of speaking across party and racial lines. Both men possess that rarest of commodities in American public life: wit. Most important, both men aspire (not always successfully) to avoid the hyper-partisanship of the Clinton-Bush era.
 Though their views on issues are often antithetical, Mr. Huckabee and Mr. Obama may be united in catching the wave of an emerging zeitgeist that is larger than either party's ideology. An exhausted and disillusioned public may be ready for a replay of the New Frontier pitch of 1960. That pitch won't come from Mr. Romney, a glib salesman who seems a dead ringer for Don Draper, a Madison Avenue ad man of no known core convictions who works on the Nixon campaign in the TV series, "Mad Men." Mr. Romney's effort to channel J.F.K. last week, in which he mentioned the word Mormon exactly once, was hardly a profile in courage.
 The fact to remember about Mr. Huckabee's polling spike is that it occurred just after the G.O.P. YouTube debate on CNN, where Mr. Romney and Rudy Giuliani vied to spray the most spittle at illegal immigrants. Congressman Tom Tancredo of Colorado, the fringe candidate whose most recent ads accuse the invading hordes of "pushing drugs, raping kids, destroying lives," accurately accused his opponents of trying to "out-Tancredo Tancredo."
 Next to this mean-spiritedness, Mr. Huckabee's tone leapt off the screen. Attacked by Mr. Romney for supporting an Arkansas program aiding the children of illegal immigrants, he replied, "In all due respect, we're a better country than to punish children for what their parents did." It was a winning moment, politically as well as morally. And a no-brainer at that. Given that Mr. Tancredo polls at 4 percent among Iowan Republicans and zero nationally, it's hard to see why Rudy-Romney thought it was smart to try to out-Tancredo Tancredo.
 Mr. Huckabee's humane stand wasn't an election-year flip-flop. As governor, he decried a bill denying health services to illegal immigrants as "race-baiting" even though its legislator sponsor was a fellow Baptist preacher. Mr. Huckabee's record on race in general (and in attracting African-American votes) is dramatically at odds with much of his party. Only last year Republicans brought us both "macaca" and a television ad portraying the black Democratic Senate candidate in Tennessee, Harold Ford Jr., as a potential despoiler of white women.
 Unlike Rudy-Romney, Mr. Huckabee showed up for the PBS presidential debate held at the historically black Morgan State University in September. Afterward, he met Cornel West, an Obama supporter who deeply disagrees with Mr. Huckabee about abortion and much else. I asked Dr. West for his take last week. After effusively praising Mr. Huckabee as unique among the G.O.P. contenders, Dr. West said: "I told him, 'You are for real.' Black voters in Arkansas aren't stupid. They know he's sincere about fighting racism and poverty."
 Though Mr. Romney's hastily scheduled speech last week has been greeted by Washington as an essential antidote to the religious bigotry that's supposedly doing him in, this entire issue may be a red herring. Mr. Romney's Mormonism has hardly been a secret until now, and Mr. Huckabee's eagerness to milk his status as a certified "Christian leader" has been equally transparent from the campaign's start. Was there really a rising tide of anti-Mormon sentiment in Iowa over the past month, or is Mr. Romney just playing victim?
 The real reason for Mr. Huckabee's ascendance may be that his message is simply more uplifting - and, in the ethical rather than theological sense, more Christian - than that of rivals whose main calling cards of fear, torture and nativism have become more strident with every debate. The fresh-faced politics of joy may be trumping the five-o'clock-shadow of Nixonian gloom and paranoia favored by the entire G.O.P. field with the sometime exception of John McCain.
 On the same day of Mr. Romney's speech, two new polls found Mr. Huckabee with a substantial lead over him and Mr. Giuliani in South Carolina, a stunning reversal from a month ago. Don't be surprised if a desperate Mitt, who has "accidentally" referred to Mr. Obama as "Osama," does desperate things. South Carolina's 2000 Republican primary was a jamboree of race-baiting that included a whispering campaign branding Senator McCain as the father of an illegitimate black child. The local political operative who worked for George W. Bush in that race and engineered the infamous Bush visit to Bob Jones University is now in Mr. Romney's employ.
 Mr. Huckabee may well be doomed in the long term. He has little money or organization. He's so ignorant of foreign affairs that he hadn't heard of the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran a day after its release. His sometimes wacky economic populism riles his party's most important constituency, Wall Street. And who knows how many other Arkansas scandals will be disinterred along with the paroled serial rapist who popped out last week? That Mr. Huckabee has gotten as far as he has shows just how in sync his benign style is with the cultural moment.
 To understand why he can't be completely dismissed, consider last month's Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll. Peter Hart, the Democratic half of the bipartisan team that conducts the survey, told me in an interview last week that an overwhelming majority of voters of both parties not only want change but also regard "reducing the partisan fighting in government" as high on their agenda. To his surprise, Mr. Hart found that there's even a majority (59 percent) seeking a president who would help America in "regaining respect around the world."
 This climate, of course, favors the Democrats, especially if the Republicans choose a candidate who brands them as the party of rage and fear - and even more especially if their Tancredo-ism drives a large Hispanic turnout for the national Democratic ticket in Florida, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. But a Democratic victory is not guaranteed. The huge spread in the Journal-NBC poll between an unnamed Democrat and Republican in the presidential race - 50 to 35 percent - shrank to a 1 percent lead when Mrs. Clinton was pitted against Mr. Giuliani.
 Mr. Obama's campaign, though hardly the long shot of Mr. Huckabee's, could also fall short. But the Clinton camp's panic over his rise in the Iowa polls shows that he's on the right tactical track. The more polarizing and negative a candidate turns in style, the more that candidate risks playing Nixon to Mr. Obama's Kennedy. That Mrs. Clinton's minions would attack Mr. Obama for unseemly ambition because he wrote a kindergarten report called "I Want to Become President" - and then snidely belittle the press for falling for "a joke" once this gambit backfired - is Rudy-Romneyesque in its vituperative folly.
 Experience, like nastiness, may also prove a dead end in the year ahead. In 1960, the experience card was played by all comers against the young upstart senator from Massachusetts. In Iowa, L.B.J. went so far as to tell voters that they should vote for "a man with a little gray in his hair." But experience, Kennedy would memorably counter, "is like taillights on a boat which illuminate where we have been when we should be focusing on where we should be going."
 The most experienced candidate in 2008 is not Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Giuliani or Mr. Romney in any case. It's Mr. McCain, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd and Bill Richardson who have the longest résumés. Mr. Huckabee and Mr. Obama, meanwhile, are both betting that this is another crossroads, like 1960, when Americans are hungry for a leader who will refocus the nation on the path ahead. | 
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