Health & Beauty | December 2007  
January Vallarta Health News & Calendar
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. | Welcome to the January 2008 Monthly Newsletter and Calendar of events to help keep you happy and healthy in Vallarta.
 HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta is a multi-faceted Resource Network that is for your total health and well-being. We offer multiple no-charge and minimal-charge services to the residents and visitors of Vallarta and Banderas Bay.
 For a complete list of the services that we offer, check out our new website at www.healthcareresourcespv.com. We wish you all a happy and healthy new year!
 January 2, 2008 Banana Cantina Charity Night Benefiting Vallarta Enfrente Sida, co-hosted by Pamela Thompson & Paco Arjona. Loads of raffle prizes and lots of surprises! Email your reservations to pvbananacantina(at)aol.com Time: 6 – 11 pm Location: Banana Cantina, Amapas 147 at Pulpito
 January 3, 2008 Caregiver’s Support Group This is for anyone who is caring for a spouse or parent with a debilitating illness, such as Alzheimer's. The group will be lead by Leslie Knight and Grizelda Lozano. Price: No Charge Time: 10 am Location: Hospital Medasist, 4th floor.
 January 4, 2008 Breakfast Club Price: $80 pesos includes tip - 3 menus to choose from. Donations for the Salvation Army to include dry goods (beans, rice, cooking oil,) gently used clothing, shoes, blankets. Five special vendors including Rick Thompson with a glass blowing demonstration and a surprise show by some of the kids from Mojoneras. RSVP: required by emailing pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com Time: 10 am Location: Boca Bento, #180 Basilio Badillo
 January 9, 2008 Wise Women of Vallarta Featuring Dee Dee Camhi - Retirement: Been There? Done That? Going There? Some Things to Help in the Process of “The New Retirement.” The “new retirement” is not an ending. It’s a beginning and the start of a new life journey of vastly expanded proportion. The word “retirement” in Spanish is “jubilación” — a time to celebrate, not to “retire from” as the English word. And since we are in Mexico, let’s enjoy this jubilación! In this two-hour presentation, we will review 15 different aspects that must be taken into account before or after one leaves the working world. RSVP: Email pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com Time: 10 am Location: International Friendship Club House, Parian del Puente – Downtown, where Libertad and Miramar meet.
 January 10 and January 11, 2008 Mammogram and GYN Clinic By Appointment Only. RSVP: Send an email to Pamela at pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com to reserve your spot and for complete information. Special discounted prices.
 January 16, 2008 Dr. Jorge Chávez - Interventional Cardiologist - What's new in Cardiology? A graduate of University of Guadalajara School of Medicine, Dr. Jorge Chávez completed his Internal Medicine residency at the University of Guadalajara Hospital and University of Utah Health Sciences Center in Salt Lake City. Dr. Chávez also works in New York at the Long Island Jewish Hospital (one of the busiest cardiac centers in the United States) each summer. RSVP: via email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com Time: 7 pm Location: Hospital Cornerstone
 January 23, 2008 Wise Women of Vallarta Featuring: Len from Salon blu - Len – Unplugged (Need we say more?) RSVP: by emailing pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com Time: 10 am Location: International Friendship Club House, Parian del Puente – Downtown, where Libertad and Miramar meet.
 January 24, 2008 Skin Clinic with Dr. Daniel Velasco - Oncologist Price: Check your skin from head to toe for only $200 Pesos! By Appointment Only – Send an email to Pamela at pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com to make your appointment. Time: 9 am until 6 pm Location: Hospital Medasist.
 January 31, 2008 American Consulate Services American Consulate will be available for registrations, passport information-renewal and new, notary services and general inquiries. Time: 9–11 am Location: International Friendship Club House, Parian del Puente – Downtown, where Libertad and Miramar meet.
 Month-Long Special Continues: Men’s Health Check with Dr. Lopez-Cueto. Price: $1,100 Pesos includes: Urological evaluation, Ultrasound of bladder and prostate, Color dopper scan of both kidneys and a PSA. Schedule your appointment by calling 044-322-107-7007 or emailing pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. Location: Hospital Cornerstone.
 Don’t forget: We are here for your total health and well-being, this includes insurance. If we can help guide you through the insurance maze, call Emmanuel at 145-1038 or 044-322-133-0867. Having a local physician that you can trust and registering with your consulate are two important things to remember while in Vallarta! Contact Pamela Thompson at pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com for further details.
 Also, if you have read The Secret, seriously consider taking the 6 week series-workshop of understanding, application and real-life practice in creating the life you want, based on this best selling book. Develop the habits that make the Law of Attraction work for you! Series begins January 9 and runs once a week for 6 weeks. Lead by Larry Sheldon, who has spent thirty years in the face-paced, high-energy world of international business. Space is limited. Please contact: larry(at)blubylen.com for further information and registration. Give yourself this New Year's gift!
HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta is a multi-faceted, independent resource network that is here for your TOTAL health and well-being. We offer multiple no-charge and minimal-charge services to the residents and visitors of Vallarta and Banderas Bay as your comprehensive solution for all of your healthcare needs.
 The resource network provides everything from English-speaking assistance to help you find a Doctor to fulfill your optional or emergency needs; to guidance through the insurance, Medicare or Veteran Services maze; to seminars from local or international experts ensuring that you are educated on the latest technology, trends and procedures.
 We are here to make sure that all of your healthcare needs while in Vallarta are met only through board-certified, reputable, and compassionate doctors, keeping you healthy, happy and informed.
 For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. | 
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