Editorials | Opinions | January 2008  
North American Union a Bad Idea
Al Hegland - Bismarck Tribune go to original
 I am writing to alert people of a grave danger facing our national sovereignty and our ability to continue our lives as free Americans.
 It comes from our own government, both elected and appointed officials, and those behind the scenes who control them.
 It's called the North American Union, a political movement plotted by them to create an equivalent to the European Union by gradually passing laws, signing treaties, failing to enforce laws, ultimately to create first an economic and later a political merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico.
 It's been in progress since 1990 or earlier. It explains our failure to enforce our immigration laws. The North American Free Trade Agreement and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade are part of it. The planned Mexican-American superhighway is part of it.
 Those engaged in this enterprise ignore security problems created by open borders. They want enough Mexicans in the U.S. to wield political power until each state is forced to succumb to federally imposed regulations, stripping them of their right to enforce their laws.
 Talk and news shows advocating amnesty are part of it. George Bush and John Kerry both support it.
 Mexicans and Central/South Americans are being driven here by economic hardships created by NAFTA, pricing their commodities off their markets and reducing the demand for labor. Our government makes only half-hearted efforts to stem the swarm. The Mexican Mafia controls border towns in Texas, where crime is rampant, and the streets of many big western cities. Local police are outnumbered and outgunned.
 Where is the Border Patrol and immigration enforcement?
 NAU is on the way. The U.S. and Canadian dollars and the worthless peso will be scrapped and replaced by the "Namero." Anyone from the three former countries will be allowed to move freely anywhere in North America; border patrols will be things of the past. Drug smugglers won't have to smuggle, but will simply haul it on the superhighway. No one from Mexico or Canada will be deported, so why bother about Panamanians?
 Of the politicians who made or are making the run for president, only Tom Tancredo seriously addressed immigration, but even he never mentioned the NAU. All our senators and congressmen secretly have signed on to it.
 We seriously need to consider replacing not just the president but every member of the House and Senate with people who will not stand for the NAU and will commit to destroying it. If we don't, it will destroy us. | 
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