Editorials | Opinions | January 2008  
Socialists: Feds Offering Little for U.S. Economic Recovery
Stewart A. Alexander - Peace and Freedom Party

| Stewart A. Alexander - Socialist Party USA, Nominee for U.S. Vice President, and candidate for nomination by the Peace and Freedom Party | | As the U.S. plunges deeper into the worse economic recession in the past 30 years, the Feds are laying out proposals and recommending tax refunds of $300 to $800 for individuals. The Feds are suggesting that this should reach the hands of those who will spend it quickly, thus helping to boost the economy. Only yesterday, President Bush spoke to the nation introducing an economic package that will provide working families some available cash for spending; tax breaks up to $800 for individuals and up to $1,600 for married couples.
 The Bush administration and Congress has growing concerns about the weak economy as the housing market continues to slide, and inflation and the nation’s unemployment lines continue to increase. Washington is also concerned about a volatile stock market that is indicating that investors are very concerned about the U.S. economy. The economic rescue package, presented by the president will total $150 billion and it is designed to offer a quick stimulus to the ailing economy.
 It is extremely unlikely that working people will benefit from the economic package presented by President Bush; millions of working people are presently behind on house payments, auto payments and are finding it difficult to pay monthly bills, including the cost for food, gas and fuel for home heating. Today, a majority of working class people are living from check to check and are struggling to keep up with the cost of living.
 The larger concern in the U.S. economy is the continuous slide of the housing market. Analyst in the housing market are projecting that upwards of 2 million homeowners could lose their homes in 2008 as the housing market continues to slide; it is also affecting the automobile industry and the credit markets.
 Socialists are rejecting these meager efforts that will not result in any meaningful economic solutions for working people. Millions of working people have not been able to keep up with the cost of living; paychecks have remained the same or have gotten smaller and an extra $300 to $1,600 will not solve their financial woes.
 What is needed is a stimulus package that will create millions of jobs and will offer economic relief to working people. The majority of working people need an extra $1,500 to $2,500 monthly and this will require creating good paying jobs. Working people need real jobs and real solutions, and socialism is the only system of government that will work for working people.
 The economic solutions that are needed for the present U.S. recession will require the investment of approximately $5 trillion over the next decade. It will require the U.S. government investing in jobs to build affordable housing, investing in manufacturing, transportation and rebuilding the nations infrastructure.
 In 2008, millions of voters will have the opportunity to vote for a change of direction for the U.S. economy. Voters will have the opportunity to vote Democrat or Republican, votes that will only expand U.S. imperialism; or they can vote Peace and Freedom Party, Socialist Party USA and for socialist candidates to invest in jobs, the economy and peace.
 For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander; Independent Voters Rejecting Democrats and Republicans.
 http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=39173 http://miami.indymedia.org/news/2006/11/6839.php
 http://StewartAlexanderCares.com http://www.vote-socialist.org/ http://peaceandfreedom-sjv.org/home/ http://www.sp-usa.org/ http://www.dcpoliticalreport.com/pres08.htm http://www.politics1.com/p2008.htm | 
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