Editorials | Opinions | February 2008  
Wave to End White House Family Ties
Paul Sheehan - Sydney Morning Herald go to original

| (Illustration: Michael Mucci) | | "For the first time in a long time, we are seeing someone who can wash away the cynicism from politics." These words were spoken yesterday by Chris Beutler, the Mayor of Lincoln, the state capital of Nebraska, after watching long lines of men and women, most of them white, wait to vote.
 On Saturday, by a decisive majority in three very different states, Democrats voted for the man who may be able to wash away cynicism, Senator Barack Obama, to be their presidential candidate. He won in snow-bound Washington state, he won in Louisiana in the deep south, and he won in the rural heartland of Nebraska. It wasn't close. Obama crushed Senator Hillary Clinton in all three contests.
 The status quo fractured at the weekend. Something new is welling up from the body politic. I think it represents the beginning of the end of an era of dynastic politics. Will America vote for Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Clinton? Two families that would control the White House for 24 consecutive years? Something stale and static emanates from this possibility and I don't think the American people are going to let it happen.
 I think Obama will go to the Democratic convention in Denver in August with the highest number of delegates. He is already raising more money than the Clinton campaign, more momentum, and far more excitement. When Clinton lost in Washington yesterday, she lost in a state where the governor is a woman and both the state's US senators are women. But she lost Washington by a resounding two to one majority.
 A year ago, Clinton was the prohibitive favourite to win the Democratic presidential nomination, with a massive war chest, a national organisation, universal brand recognition, the support of the union movement, a strong base in the Senate, and millions of women wanting a woman to be president for the first time.
 All this has not proved enough. The only factor that has kept Clinton in the lead has been racial animosity. African-Americans and Latino-Americans do not like each other. Their voting in this campaign has conformed to this reality. While Obama has won the overwhelming majority of the black vote, Clinton has won the overwhelming majority of the Latino vote.
 In Washington, the commentariat has attributed the Clinton campaign's dominance of the Latino to the "goodwill factor", a legacy of the presidency of Bill Clinton and his support of the free trade pact with Mexico. This is partly true and mostly rubbish. It is not the goodwill factor but the ill-will factor that has split the Democratic vote so cleanly on racial lines.
 Whites, in contrast, have not voted as a racial bloc. Not at all.
 They are voting for Obama in their millions. He has won more votes from white Americans than any of the Republican candidates in their primary races, which are dominated by white voters. Hillary Clinton's natural majority with women voters has been offset by empathy for Obama among white men.
 The trouble facing the Clinton campaign is that it is running out of Latinos. Only Texas remains, a big prize she will win, thanks to the large Mexican-American vote, the same bloc that delivered California last week, thus saving the Clinton campaign. Beyond Texas I think she has a problem.
 Her lead in the polls, and on the ground, and with white voters, simply evaporated as soon as the political shooting started this year, in the rural Midwest state of Iowa. Five weeks ago, after the Iowa caucuses, I began this column with these words: "I've been following or covering American politics all my adult life and the best speech I have ever heard in a presidential campaign was delivered at 10.30 in the evening, Iowa time, by a man who had been up since 4am. That man was Barack Obama."
 On Saturday, for the first time in the campaign, Clinton and Obama spoke at the same event, the Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Richmond, Virginia. Clinton was polished. Obama was electric. The crowd responded accordingly.
 Obama was able to lay out key and defining positions that Clinton simply cannot access. As he said at the weekend, he always opposed the invasion of Iraq, "a war which should not have been authorised and never have been fought", and a war that Clinton voted to authorise. He can say, as he did yesterday, that his campaign has been financed by more than 200,000 small donors, not by lobbyists, big donors and big unions, unlike Clinton. He can advocate a mandatory national health insurance safety net for every American, while Clinton's plans for healthcare reform remain mired in complexity.
 If Clinton is dumped by the gathering wave of support for Obama, the November election will offer a stark choice. Senator John McCain, who has almost wrapped up the Republican nomination, is a 71-year-old graduate of West Point who fought in Vietnam, was captured and tortured, who backed the invasion of Iraq and the recent troop surge. The success of that surge, and his record as a war hero, have been critical to his success in a field that has not excited the imagination of the Republican Party, a party fatigued by the presidency of George Bush.
 The Democratic primaries have mobilised almost twice as many voters as the Republicans, and much greater energy. The great irony of the 2008 campaign is that Clinton, and not the Republican nominee, is the candidate who can most galvanise the Republicans. No similar animosity is offered to the 46-year-old African-American from Chicago and Harvard generating so much electricity among white voters. | 
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