Editorials | Opinions | February 2008  
Fight Those Who Want to Give Nation Away
Evelyn Edinger - Daily Herald go to original

 |  | Who would ever have thought American's would have to fight to keep their country against other Americans who want to give it away? |  |  | | In 2005 in Mexico, President Bush, Vincente Fox and Stephen Harper developed "The North American Union," whereby the borders are eliminated between the three countries to facilitate trade. People could move back and forth between countries freely and Mexican trucks could drive their loads the full length of America into Canada.
 The ultimate plan would create a single country, one government, one set of laws, one military, one police force to govern one big, happy family. If this union was not implemented, "there would be crushing poverty," as stated by Fox to Larry King in a recent interview.
 Since we are in such a desperate financial situation at this point, does that mean Mexico would become our savior?
 The Mexican trucks did start coming into this country, then stopped temporarily when the money to pay them was held back.
 Citizens alerted Phoenix, Ariz., police about a parked semi when they saw people moving in and out of the back of the trailer. Upon inspection, the police found 37 "possible illegals" hidden behind the boxes. They were not there to have a picnic. Could this truck have been from Mexico?
 And now, our presidential aspirants, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain and maybe others, seem to be promoting amnesty, regardless of their denials.
 At a time when Americans are losing jobs to outsourcing, our financial situation is in peril, people are in dire straits, they want to allow (how many?) more people to come in and compete for jobs?
 And is Clinton's "pooh-poohing" of the dangers at the southern border just denial - or is she just clueless? At this critical junction in our nation, it is important to decide whose ideas are in line with your values.
 Who would ever have thought American's would have to fight to keep their country against other Americans who want to give it away? | 
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