Editorials | Opinions | February 2008  
Where’s Governor Bill?
Leslie Wayne - NYTimes go to original
 As the Clinton and Obama campaigns descended on Santa Fe and Albuquerque, one of the most gregarious politicians in the Democratic field - New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson - was nowhere to be seen.
 The Santa Fe New Mexican reported yesterday that Mr. Richardson, typically the first in line when Democratic politicians pay a visit, had instead skipped town just as both camps arrived Thursday and Friday. It was a convenient escape for Mr. Richardson, who since dropping out of the race for the Democratic nomination last month has not declared whether he is supporting Senator Barack Obama or Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.
 Christine Sierra, a political science professor at the University of New Mexico, told the newspaper that Mr. Richardson’s disappearing act was more a political calculation than political theater.
 “He wants to be in a Democratic administration and he is playing his cards cautiously so he doesn’t anger any of the nominees,” said Ms. Sierra, according to the newspaper.
 The roster of politicians Mr. Richardson tried to avoid was impressive. There was Bill Clinton, who was roaming the halls of the statehouse, thanking legislators who had supported his wife. Mr. Clinton twice gave posts to Mr. Richardson in his administration and the Clintons have been courting Mr. Richardson to lend his support.
 He also missed Senator Ted Kennedy, who was stumping for Mr. Obama at the local community college. And he had no plans to see Mr. Obama, who was to be in Santa Fe Friday evening.
 So where was Mr. Richardson? He was in Washington meeting with the New Mexican congressional delegation and the state’s lobbying firm. And he’s going to visit the Pentagon to talk up the state’s bid for a military cyberspace unit.
 There’s talk that Mrs. Clinton might come to Albuquerque on Saturday night. It will be interesting if Mr. Richardson decides to spend the weekend back East. | 
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