Editorials | Opinions | April 2008  
The Bush and Cheney Oath
Michael Webster - American Chronicle go to original
 I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President (V.P.) of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
 The Bush Cheney administration has spent billions of dollars on the failed war on drugs and is expected to spend well over a trillion dollars on the failed war on terror before their terms end this year. The serous question is why? Why would a government spend that huge amount of money? Many believe that the reason is that there is so much money involved and so many officials around the world on the take that the U.S. borders will never be sealed. There would just be too much cash lost to the corrupted politicians, Mexican cartels, war lords of Afghanistan and the world terrorist.
 Many Americans are asking why the president won´t protect our borders not only from terrorist but also from the billions of dollars of drugs being smuggled into our country. The war on drugs and terror is connected. Reporter Sara A. Carter recently reported that a ranking House Republican demanded a hearing based on recent reports that Islamic terrorists embedded in the United States are teaming with Mexican drug cartels to fund terrorism networks overseas. Like Hezbollah and al-Qaida, which promise martyrs that their family members will be provided for after suicide bombings, Mexican drug trafficking organizations promise high-level members that if they die in the name of the cartel, their families will be provided for. Other similarities include the growing number of beheadings of Mexican police officials and others by the cartels to instill terror and the locating of terror training camps near our border.
 The site of advanced Amerindian civilizations, Mexico came under Spanish rule for three centuries before achieving independence early in the 19th century.
 Even, most U.S. law enforcement officials are far from satisfied with the measures being taken to secure the border by this administration. In a recent Washington Times article, a coalition of Texas sheriffs said that the Department of Homeland Security has been "doing a lot of talking" about securing the nation's borders, but not much else. They complained that the U.S. Southwest continues to be overrun with illegal aliens, illicit drugs, and rising violence.
 Bush and Cheney claim they want to stop terrorist all over the world from attacking western targets. Bush believes that the sell of drugs in America is connected to the terrorist than why is he not welling to stop them at our borders? We have the resources and the capability to do that, yet we don´t. see: U.S. Command Denies Military Task Force Exists. (Chronicle)
 Bush himself has admitted that drug users aid terrorists who get their money from global trafficking in narcotics. "If you quit drugs, you join the fight against terrorism." He says.
 "Drug abuse threatens everything, everything that is best about our country," he said. "It breaks the bond between parent and child. It turns productive citizens into addicts. It transforms schools into places of violence and chaos. It makes playgrounds into crime scenes. It supports gangs at home."
 "And abroad, it's important for Americans to know that trafficking of drugs finances the world of terror, sustaining terrorists," the president said.
 "Over time, drugs rob men, women and children of their dignity and of their character," Mr. Bush said. "Illegal drugs are the enemies of ambition and hope and when we fight against drugs we fight for the souls of our fellow Americans."
 The administration linked the al-Qaida network in Afghanistan to heroin trafficking.
 From the Middle East to the Rio Grande, to Europe and to Australia's tropical coast, smuggling routes carry drugs and millions of illegal immigrants seeking work or stability. In some cases this is trafficking, and the human cargo is victimized by their transporters. Now, there's another troubling issue. The United States and other countries see growing evidence that terrorists are following these well-worn paths. These include many al Qaeda suspects who fled Afghanistan following the Taliban's fall.
 So if the president knows that, and knows that the drugs are coming from the terrorist via the Mexican cartels, than why does he not stop them at our borders? The U.S. Military can and will stop the drugs and human smugglers at the border if the president as commander and chief just gave the orders.
 There is a U.S. Military Task Force which was created to protect our southern border with Mexico. I reported that members of that Task Force was preparing to secure the border by responding with specially trained fast response U.S. Army task force military units. These forces are already in place with the heart of the power being concentrated in El Paso and Southern New Mexico with a far reaching responsibility from East Texas to Southern California. U.S. Air Force General. Victor E. Renuart Jr., commander of United States Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Commander said, "they are being staged and immediately available as emergency "on call" units for use against terrorist threats on the nation's border and local disasters."
 The article went on to point out that the Ft. Bliss 1st Armored Division was part of this effort. "They will be available to defend homeland security," Renuart said. Renuart, who visited Joint Task Force-North, which is under his command, declined to discuss any details of threats uncovered along the border with Mexico, but he said many agencies, including JTF-North, have made "it a very difficult border for someone to take advantage of."
 According to one Congressman "Many wonder just how high up the corruption goes. It must go to the highest levels of government in order for it to continue unabated. This war has been used as an excuse to attack our liberties and privacy. It has been an excuse to undermine our financial privacy while promoting illegal searches and seizures with many innocent people losing their lives and property. Seizure and forfeiture have harmed a great number of innocent American citizens all in the name of terrorism."
 A U.S. Presidential candidate said "another result of this unwise war has been the corruption of many law enforcement officials. It is well known that with the profit incentives so high, we are not even able to keep drugs out of our armed prisons. Illegal and artificially high priced drugs drive the underworld to produce, sell and profit from this social depravity."
 The fear exploited by the Bush Whitehouse during war on terror has been used to justify the Patriot Act and torture, once again destroying civil liberties.
 If the American people continue this practice, unconstitutionally ceding power to the government to solve problems that scare them, then the future of our Union is dim.
 The threats facing the United States are extensive, encompassing, terrorist attacks, kidnappings, murders, assassinations, cross-border smuggling of drugs, humans and guns. Once in country multilevel drug distribution, increasing abuse rates, drug-related crime, and money laundering. Just the fear of terror on our borders and in our cities is enough to cause Bush and Cheney to action. Allowing it to happen in the USA when it could be stopped is a violation of their oath of office.
 Abraham Lincoln prophesized. "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
 Sources: CBS, AP, U.S. State Department, FBI, DEA, CIA, ICE, U.S. Congress, El Paso Journal, Laguna Journal, American Chronicle.
 Michael Webster is a world-renowned expert on global economics, financing, emergency management, preparedness and illicit drugs and terrorism. He is the author of Venture Capital, the THE CHRISTIAN COVENANT the REDROAD, the LEMONFAST. And the United States Civil Defense Emergency Training Manual. | 
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