Editorials | Opinions | May 2008  
God Damn the Republican Party
Doug Thompson - Capitol Hill Blue go to original
 After losing three straight ional elections in districts that used to be solid Republican, the Grand Old Party is in chaos, fretting and worrying about its rapidly dimming prospects not only in the upcoming Presidential election but also in the House and Senate races.
 Good. Republicans are finally getting what they have deserved so long. We can only hope that the punishment is long, torturous and painful.
 The fall of the Republican Party is long overdue. No group in this nation has done as much to destroy the foundations that once defined this country. No Islam-spouting terrorist has done as much damage to the Constitution, to our freedoms, to our heritage and to our future.
 America’s long-painful march into oblivion started with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, a sad time that gave power to the rapid religious right and empowered the knee-jerk conservatives determined to drag this nation back into a Victorian stupor.
 Reagan embraced Bible-thumping demagogues like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell – fundamentalists who twisted the words of the Bible and preached far more hate than a dozen Jeremiah Wrights.
 When Republicans seized control of in 1994, they saw the election not as a repudiation of Bill Clinton’s extremism – which it was – but as a mandate to impose their archaic views upon the world.
 Then we got George W. Bush, the most corrupt, the most venal, the most anti-American President in the history of the United States. Bush and his right-wing cabal set about to finish what their partners-in-crime had started – the dismantling of the Constitution and the conversion of a Democratic Republic into a dictator-like fascist state.
 Under Bush, America became an aggressor nation, invading a nation that posed no threat to our freedoms and turning that country into a civil-war torn nightmare where more than 4,000 Americans have died along with hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.
 He stripped this nation of its dignity, turning it into a police state where freedom no longer exists and the Bill of Rights serves as toilet paper in the Oval Office bathroom.
 Bush and his GOP cohorts destroyed a once-robust economy, turning the American middle-class into a homeless, foreclosed class while his fat cat friends profited from an illegal and immoral war.
 And when the Republicans had a chance to embrace change, they turned instead to John McCain, an aging GOP chameleon who has trouble remembering his own name but is determined to keep America at war and the nation’s freedoms under siege.
 Tom Davis, a Northern Virginia GOP man and former head of the National Republican ional Committee, offers this analysis of the party’s prospects this November:
 The political atmosphere facing House Republicans this November is the worst since Watergate and is far more toxic than the fall of 2006, when we lost 30 seats (and our majority) and came within a couple of percentage points of losing another 15 seats.
 Call it a well-deserved case of good, old-fashioned karma comin’ round.
 Of course, this is May and the election is still six months away. A lot can happen in 180 days. But most polls say the nation as a whole is sick and tired of the Grand Old Party.
 Is Armageddon comes to Republicans, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of crooks, shysters, con-artists and thieves. | 
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