Editorials | Opinions | May 2008  
Jeremiah Wright and Miley Cyrus
Doug Thompson - Inter Press Service go to original

| Miley Cyrus | | On Monday, I defended some of the controversial remarks made by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Democratic Presidential frontrunner Barack Obama's bombastic former pastor.
 Then I watched Wright's disgusting, self-serving "all about me" performance at the National Press Club in Washington.
 I was wrong about Wright.
 The preacher from Chicago is not a committed man of God. He is a lunatic that should be committed. He not an angry American who fire comes from love of country. He is a self-promoting hack whose carefully rehearsed words come from love of himself.
 Wright is a fool, a buffoon and a caricature - a Bible-thumping shyster who uses God to promote hate.
 Many say Barack Obama did the right thing in disowning Wright. Pundits say he threw the fire-breathing preacher under the bus. Hell, he should have been driving the bus.
 Wright, unfortunately, is typical of the distractions that define this muddled Presidential election season. While more American soldiers die in Iraq in what will be the bloodiest month since last September, we have a campaign defined by hate mongering by preachers, racist campaign tactics within the Democratic party and more screen time given to Hillary Clinton tossing back Crown Royal and chasing it a beer than to the escalating violence in Iraq.
 Obama rolled an embarrassing 37 in bowling and got more TV exposure than the housing crisis.
 Do a Google search on "Iraq War" and you get 14.8 million hits. Search "Miley Cyrus" (left) and you get 14.4 million hits.
 The Iraq war has run for more than five years, cost more than 4,000 lives and has bankrupted the United States both financially and morally and a four-day-old uproar over a 15-year-old TV tart who posed semi-nude in a photo that looks like she just screwed the entire high school football team and which graces the cover of the new issue of Vanity Fair will, by the end of the week, rack up more hits on Google.
 Is this any way to run an election... or a nation... or our lives? | 
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