Editorials | Opinions | May 2008  
US Troops Used To Cover Up Mexico Funding!
Gabriel Delgado - The Conservative Voice go to original

 |  | The wolf is at the door with the finalization of the 'South American Union.' |  |  | | If any American needs proof the United States Senate and House are no longer representing American citizens, they need look no further than the Iraq War Funding Bill (H.R.2642.) Our heroic American troops are being used as a cover for the re-distribution of U.S. Tax $$s heading to regions South of the border for the purposes of funding the MERIDA Initiative, also known as Plan Mexico. 'Merida' is another underground welfare scheme of international proportions, mandated by the United Nations (UN) and sanctioned by this administration and the U.S. Congress.
 It is unconscionable for the out-of-control Congress to use our military as a vehicle to divert money, military hardware and manpower into the hands of foreign governments. While another amnesty was being fought, Congress was quietly sneaking the MERIDA Initiative funding into the Iraq War Funding Bill! They know, should the MERIDA come onto the public radar screen, Americans would be furious. It is a simple and effective method to force a 'yea' vote in Congress by those fearful of appearing not to support our troops.
 The MERIDA not only re-distributes U.S. tax $$s to the Mexican government, it also diverts tax dollars to Central American governments. And this UN mandate is being accomplished under the guise of 'Military assistance, Illicit narcotics, Organized Crime and Firearm Trafficking.' The contradiction lies with the U.S. leaders' absolute refusal to uphold the rule of law by allowing Illegal Aliens, including violent criminals and gangs, to flood across our unsecured borders with drugs, weapons and human slaves. Once on U.S. soil, they become entrenched within our communities. Adding insult to injury, U.S. law enforcement is vehemently discouraged from apprehending the law breakers once on U.S. soil, putting American citizens at risk by allowing all manner of crime to escalate. It is a slap in the face to every American citizen for our leaders to legislate sending agents of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to help secure another country (at taxpayer expense) while our laws are flagrantly ignored. Congress is devoid of conscience!
 Every day, without our consent, our Constitutionally mandated freedoms and liberties are being incrementally usurped by legislation designed to circumvent our Constitution: presidential executive orders, treaties, agreements and back room deals in order to comply with UN mandates. Few Americans understand that treaties, purposely designed, supersede the U.S. Constitution. It is clear evidence that the U.S. public educational system is being used as nothing more than a propaganda machine to indoctrinate our children into an 'global ~ cradle-to-grave' mindset.....devoid of critical thinking and respect for the Representative Republic that is uniquely 'American'.... and the extraordinary success of our Constitution is quickly slipping through our fingers.
 Will YOU make the decision to draw a line in the sand and stand up for the sovereignty of the United States of America? Will YOU refuse to allow this government to use our brave men and women in uniform as pawns?
 Will YOU... Take back your Constitutional Representative Republic?
 Demand elected officials stop doing the bidding of the anti-American United Nations and foreign governments?
 Be prepared to terminate their employment should they refuse to uphold their Constitutional responsibilities?
 Insist Congress keep American tax $$s in the USA, ending the ever increasing re-distribution of our national wealth to the Illegal Alien Invasion and 3rd world banana republics?
 Work to get the U.S. out of the U.N. & get the U.N. out of the U.S.?
 Or will you make the decision to allow our nation to descend into nothing more than a 3rd world, mob ruled, international oligarchy?
 The time has come to expose every dangerous treaty that has been ratified by the U.S. Senate and every agreement that has been signed by our government. Hard working American citizens have been kept out of the loop, intentionally, with little to no knowledge of the subversion being perpetrated by their elected officials who are doing the bidding of the United Nations and their body of corrupt dictators and monarchs. Although the majority of Americans would prefer to kick the UN out of the USA and pull the USA out of the corrupt UN, they are also under the misconception that the UN lacks teeth. But that is absolutely not the case as is evident in the multiple, dangerous UN treaties we have ratified to date, with more currently in development! The MERIDA Initiative is one example of how the UN is directing our legislation behind the scenes!
 Slipped into our everyday vernacular, via media, advertising and public education, are the phrases, drug trafficking, eliminating poverty, human rights, xenophobia, racism, diversity and the most misunderstood of all... building democracy around the world (not Representative Republics.) It might surprise many American citizens that these phrases, lifted out of UN and Organization of the American States (OAS) treaties and agreements, are being slipped into our daily lives in order to subdue us into accepting the subversion of our Representative Republic. The goal is the re-distribution of our national wealth (taxpayer dollars) to foreign governments and the United States subjugation and surrender to a hemispheric, parliamentary and legal system, one that is already actively in place (see OAS)....without the consent or knowledge of American citizens.
 The wolf is at the door with the finalization of the 'South American Union.'
 'This development pushes forward the 2004 Cuzco Declaration, which seemed stalled for a while, and outlined a road to developing a regional parliament, a common market and a common currency.' http://latinoinsurgent.blogspot.com/2007/04/south-american-union-becoming-reality.html
 If our sovereignty is to be secured and our Constitution re-instated, the time is now for American citizens to buck up, find their courage, raise their voices and take back their Representative Republic. | 
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