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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEditorials | Opinions | June 2008 

Supreme Court: No Inalienable Right To Bear Arms
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ANP: Judges rule 5-4 to get rid of DC's 32-year-ban on handguns as gun advocates celebrate victory
This week the U.S. Supreme Court released their ruling on the District of Columbia gun ban case. The court ruled that the Second Amendment did guarantee an individual’s right to bear arms, but also went on to say that the government still has the right to control and regulate firearms.

The mainstream press is hailing this as a victory for gun owners and a defeat for anti-American gun control advocates. Unfortunately, this is incredibly misleading spin by the mainstream press as the ruling essentially says that the government still has the authority to implement regulations to control who has access to firearms and who doesn’t. The Second Amendment specifically states that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed, yet these egghead Supreme Court Justices have gone out of their way to try to redefine what it actually means.

Either these Supreme Court Justices can’t read or they have been paid off by the criminals that run the federal government. Not only that, but it is incredibly frightening that the court only ruled 5-4 in favor of the Second Amendment with limitations. The dissenting Justices essentially said that the people don’t have the right to bear arms. It doesn’t get much more insane than this. This is totally unacceptable as the main purpose of the Second Amendment is to ensure that the people can stand up against a tyrannical government and defend their lives, liberty and property. This ruling is more proof that the establishment is continuing its agenda of disarming the American people so they can setup a global dictatorship of death.

The following is taken from a Reuters report which summarizes what Justice Antonin Scalia said on behalf of the majority opinion.

In the majority opinion, Justice Antonin Scalia said the Second Amendment protected an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. Although an individual now has a constitutional right to own guns, that new right is not unlimited, wrote Scalia, a hunter.

He said the ruling should not be taken to cast doubt on long-standing prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill or on laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in places like schools and government buildings or laws imposing conditions on gun sales.

This is proof that Scalia and the other Justices in the majority opinion simply do not have an understanding of the Second Amendment or refuse to interpret it properly. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written so that the vast majority of people could understand them. They were not written so that only lawyers and judges could understand its contents. Let’s take a look at the full text of the Second Amendment.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The words “shall not be infringed” is what is key. The Second Amendment doesn’t say that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed except in certain cases. It doesn’t get anymore clear than this yet Scalia and the majority opinion Justices some how get the impression that the right to bear arms is not unlimited? How can someone make such a statement and be a Supreme Court Justice? This is proof that Scalia and the other Supreme Court Justices in the majority opinion are not competent to hold office and should be removed immediately. The founding fathers were saying that the right to bear arms is an inalienable right. Any regulation of firearms is unconstitutional and the government does not have the authority under the Constitution to dictate who is allowed to bear arms and who doesn’t.

With that said, the Justices in the minority should also be removed from the bench because according to their interpretation they believe that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect the individual’s right to bear arms. This is of course total idiocy.

It becomes even more ridiculous when a so called pro-gun lobby like the National Rifle Association claims that this ruling is a victory for gun owners. How is this ruling good for gun owners? The U.S. Supreme Court incorrectly interpreted the Second Amendment to mean that the right to bear arms can be infringed when the language of the Second Amendment indicates that this is totally false. Clearly, this shows how the NRA is a phony gun rights group. They hail this ruling as a victory when it simply isn’t.

Either way it doesn’t matter. We know what the agenda is and it involves incrementally abolishing the Second Amendment so that the American people can eventually be enslaved to the New World Order. All of the propaganda and lies cannot change the fact that this ruling is contrary to what the Second Amendment says. These Supreme Court Justices should all be removed from the bench for this ruling. It proves that they either can’t read properly or they are corrupt establishment hacks that love being slaves to this coming global dictatorship of evil.

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