Editorials | Opinions | June 2008  
V.P. Candidate Wants U.S. Ethanol Production Cut to Feed Poor
Peace and Freedom Party

| Stewart A. Alexander - Socialist Party USA Nominee for Vice President, and Candidate for nomination by the Peace and Freedom Party | | A recent report prepared by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization identified 22 nations that are threaten by the global food crisis; riots, due to food shortages are now occurring in most of these poor countries. To prevent the escalation of the present world food crisis, Stewart Alexander, Vice Presidential Nominee for Socialist Party USA, wants a freeze or a roll back on U.S. ethanol production to the levels prior to December 2007.
 According to Alexander, “There is an escalating global food crisis and we must get more involved as a nation. While working people are greatly concerned about the rising cost of food here in the United States, in Haiti, many are now eating dirt to reduce the pains of hunger.” Haiti is among four other countries, Liberia, Niger, Eritrea and Comoros that the U.N. report listed as most severely affected by the global food crisis.
 Alexander says the mandates that have been imposed by Congress will require the ethanol industry to increase production levels up to 36 billion gallons a year by the year 2022; present productions levels are just over 6 billion gallons annually. Alexander charge that the new mandates will only create greater profits for the ethanol and petroleum industries and will exacerbate the growing global food crisis.
 Within recent months, several groups have joined forces to oppose these ethanol mandates that have been imposed by Congress. These groups are calling on Congress to freeze or roll back the ethanol mandates; they believe ethanol production is in direct competition with the food supply and there is not enough scientific evidence to prove that ethanol will help solve the present energy crisis. Many experts now believe ethanol production will potentially be more damaging to the environment than was previously stated.
 Alexander is also calling on U.S. government to increase the subsidies for agriculture products to feed millions that are now starving here in the U.S. and worldwide. The Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA promotes an environmentally sound agricultural system which meets human needs and protects farm workers’ labor rights and standards of living. Socialists promote conservation and development of solar and other renewable energy sources to replace nuclear power and fossil fuels.
 For more information search the web for: Stewart A. Alexander; New U.S. Energy Bill, working people will pay.
 http://www.banderasnews.com/0712/edop-peoplewillpay.htm http://www.newsvine.com/_news/2008/01/29/1264228-poor-haitians-resort-to-eating-dirt
 http://StewartAlexanderCares.com http://www.vote-socialist.org/ http://www.peaceandfreedom.org/home/
http://www.sp-usa.org/ http://www.dcpoliticalreport.com/pres08.htm http://www.politics1.com/p2008.htm | 
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