|  |  | Editorials | Opinions | July 2008  
US Congress to Vote on New Impeachment Resolution - Take Action
 Congratulations to the tens of thousands of people who have been forcing Congress to take up the impeachment issue. The situation is rapidly changing mainly because of pressure from this nation-wide grassroots movement. There is not a second to lose.
 Please continue to show your support with an urgently needed donation. This movement is taking off because of the self-sacrifice of individuals. Please donate today by clicking here.
 Breaking News. This from the desk of Florida Congressman Robert Wexler, one of the co-sponsors of the 35 articles of impeachment introduced by Rep. Dennis Kucinich:
 “Capitol Hill is buzzing today with major developments regarding our campaign for impeachment hearings for President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Just today, in what could be described as a perfect impeachment storm:
 "After stating unequivocally that impeachment "is off the table," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated to CBS News today that the House Judiciary Committee should address the issues that Rep. Kucinich's has raised in his impeachment resolution.... This issue now reaches far beyond the substance of the Judiciary Committee's original inquiry regarding the firing of US Attorneys for political purposes. The crisis at hand relates to our most fundamental laws and of our Constitution. It is, in many ways, more serious than the Constitutional crisis surrounding Watergate."
 Nancy Pelosi’s comments reflect the growing pressure of impeachment supporters on all elected officials and the heat from Cindy Sheehan’s courageous campaign to unseat her in the coming November elections. Cindy has made the impeachment of Bush, and Pelosi’s previous refusal to allow impeachment to proceed, a centerpiece of her campaign.
 Congress may vote by Tuesday, July 15, on another impeachment resolution offered by Rep. Dennis Kucinich on July 10, 2008. This is a separate resolution from the 35-Articles of Impeachment that was introduced on June 9, 2008.
 The new resolution is a single article of impeachment that accuses Bush of lying to Congress about Iraq’s so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction in order to obtain Congressional Authorization for the use of military force against Iraq. Congress passed the authorization in October 2002 and Bush then used it to launch an unprovoked war of aggression and subsequent occupation of Iraq.
 You can read the new impeachment resolution by clicking this link.
 Take a moment today to let your member of Congress know that you want them to support this impeachment resolution. It is easy and only takes a few seconds of your time by using the mechanism that ImpeachBush.org has created. Click here to send a letter.
 Again, we can’t carry out all this work without your generous donation. Please click here to make a contribution. |

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