|  |  | Editorials | Opinions | July 2008  
Alexander Agrees with Schwarzenegger, No Offshore Drilling
Peace and Freedom Party

| Stewart A. Alexander - Nominee for Vice President Socialist Party USA and Candidate for Vice President Peace and Freedom Party | | Socialist V.P. Candidate Stewart A. Alexander seldom agrees with any political positions of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; but when the issue is offshore oil drilling, Alexander firmly supports the Republican governor’s position to continue the prohibition on offshore drilling.
 While running as the Peace and Freedom Party’s candidate for California lieutenant governor in 2006, Stewart Alexander repeatedly disagreed with Governor Schwarzenegger on almost every issue; however, on the issue of offshore oil drilling, Alexander is asking the nation to give Governor Schwarzenegger their full support.
 Recently, offshore oil drilling became news when President Bush joined Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain in calling for the lifting of a 27-year-old prohibition on offshore drilling; according to The Mercury News. For nearly three decades, there has been strong opposition to offshore oil drilling from many groups; to include, environmentalist, the fishing industry, local governments, the tourist industry and small businesses. Now that gasoline prices have climbed above $4.00 per gallon and diesel hovering above $4.75 per gallon, offshore oil drilling is back on the table.
 Speaking at a political meeting in Miami, Florida, the Reuters News Service, US reported Governor Schwarzenegger as saying, “Anyone who tells you that this will bring down our gas prices immediately or anytime soon is blowing smoke.” Alexander agrees; he says drilling for oil offshore would take years and “would conceivably drive prices further into the stratosphere while waiting for the future benefits.” However, Alexander note, the greater concern with offshore oil drilling is the potential environmental dangers and the need to reduce the nation’s dependency on oil.
 Senator John McCain is also proposing a plan to build 45 new nuclear power plants by 2030. Again, McCain came under heavy criticism from many opponents. Building nuclear power plants to satisfy the nation’s energy needs could take 10 to 20 years; and again, Alexander says this is not the answer to rising gasoline prices and satisfying energy demands; “The development of alternative energy sources including solar, geothermal, wind, hydropower, and biomass will be necessary to end world dependency on fossil fuels.”
 Alexander is proposing a more comprehensive approach to dealing with soaring gasoline prices and consumer price gouging. Alexander believes it is necessary to nationalize the oil companies; a position that is shared by socialists nationwide. Alexander is also proposing that the U.S. automobile industry and the U.S. airline industry be nationalize to protect jobs and the future existence of these critical industries. In the short term, within the next two years, Alexander wants the production of cars that will deliver 50 MPG; such as the Chevrolet Geo Metro that delivered over 50 MPG in the early 90s. He wants mass production of electric cars and electric motor cycles, and the construction of a nationwide mass transit system.
 Presently, automobile sales are slumping and American automakers are suffering big losses while struggling to survive, the present trend is also jeopardizing the future job security of tens of thousands of U.S. autoworkers; however, it is unlikely there will be a major turn around as long as cars and trucks continue to consume gasoline and the oil companies remain in control of the U.S. economy.
 Alexander says Barack Obama and John McCain will not be able to deliver on their promises past the 2008 Election; “At the end of the day, the two corporate candidates will do whatever it takes to protect the interests of the oil companies and the corporate ruling class; if it requires drilling for oil in the Alaska reserves, drilling on the coast-lines of California or Florida, or more wars and conflicts in the Middle East.”
 For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander; Independent Voters Rejecting Democrats and Republicans.
 http://labs.daylife.com/journalist/stewart_a._alexander http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/48507
 http://StewartAlexanderCares.com http://www.vote-socialist.org/ http://peaceandfreedom.org/home/ http://www.sp-usa.org/ http://www.dcpoliticalreport.com/pres08.htm http://www.politics1.com/p2008.htm |

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