|  |  | Editorials | Opinions | July 2008  
Open Letter to Barack Obama and John McCain: How to Win Latin Votes
Miguel Contreras - the narcosphere go to original
 It is my hope that U.S. Senators Barack Obama and John McCain or someone working on their campaign staff read this Narco News story and bring it to their attention.
 As the final elections are getting closer, we learned that Obama and McCain are trying to score points with our Latino voting community. Perhaps, the title of this news story should read better: “How to win more American Votes” since the issues I am about to mention involves not only Latin voters but our entire hard-working average tax-payer’s American people.
 Honorable U.S. Senators Barack Obama and John McCain, if you want to win our vote, you need to tell us what you intend to do with the issues outlined in this report.
 For years Hispanics have been underrepresented in the federal workforce according to the U.S. Office of Personal Management (OPM). The federal agencies that show a high percentage of Hispanics in their workforce is only at non-supervisory and low grade levels. If elected U.S. President, what are you going to do? Issue another Executive Order and take an aggressive action and held accountable anyone found responsible?
 As a nation, we are tired of having an “imperial U.S. President” who believes that he can do whatever he want and please without any regards of our U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. If elected U.S. President, are you going to become another “imperial president”?
 We are tired of seeing members of the U.S. Congress and federal law enforcement agencies engaged in highly questioned ethical and integrity issues such as the one recently involved by U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes and the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) by misusing tax-payer’s monies, ICE’s manpower and resources. Do you intend to do something about the Reyes and ICE’s incident?
 Why the U.S. Department of Justice has ignored the over 70 investigative reports by journalist Bill Conroy of Narco News on his reports that ICE allowed a confidential informant to participate in the murder of certain Mexican people in Juarez, Mexico? Why U.S. Attorney Johnnie Sutton and his Assistant federal prosecutor Juanita Fielden are still on their jobs? See http://narcosphere.narconews.com/node/1716
 We are tired of being racially profiled by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies under the “ruse” of fighting illegal immigration and crime by people in power and agencies such as Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is already being sued in court and the mayor of Phoenix, AZ has asked the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate Sheriff Arpaio for violations of our U.S. Civil Rights. Yet, Sheriff Arpaio continues to operate without any accountability. The American people must take notice that Sheriff Arpaio’s office and base of operation is within U.S. Senator McCain’s local Arizona jurisdiction. What action’s) are you going to take against the “so-called meanest Sheriff of the United States,” Joe Arpaio?
 We are tired of being treated different at our airports when we are flying for business or pleasure only because or names happen to be Hispanic (Racial Profiling). Our checked-in luggage is automatically selected for manual search (where no x-ray machines are available) by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) guards, and luggage belonging to non-Hispanics are processed without being inspected (searched). What are you going to do about the TSA’s Racial Profiling practices?
 We are also tired of being stopped by the local and state police for no reason at all but because of the color of our skin (Racial Profiling) and the belief by the police that we may be “illegal aliens.” What are you going to do to stop such illegal racial profiling police encounters?
 Our American born Hispanic citizens are being arrested for allegedly “being illegal aliens” at worksites by ICE and deported to other countries because they look “foreigners” and cannot produce a U.S. birth certificate. What are you going to do about this systematic problem?
 Law Enforcement Racial Profiling used to be illegal prior to 9/11 – Now, we have federal, state and local law enforcement teaching how to conduct police racial profiling traffic stops. What do you intend to do with regards to this problem?
 Our public schools are started to being targeted by ICE officials looking for illegal alien students. What are you going to do about this questionable ICE’s enforcement initiative?
 Our tourists are being treated like second class citizens because they don’t speak English and our business establishments have developed local business policies of “Speak English Only” – Our country is losing billions of dollars in revenue because our tourists are going to other more hospitable and courteous countries. How can you improve and correct this problem?
 In our public school systems, our children and the future of America are taught only to speak and write English when being bilingual and speaking in two or more languages as an adult only means more job opportunities in our job markets. Are you willing to do something in this area?
 The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created due to a big mistake, just like war on Iraq. Our borders are still not secured from potential nuclear, biological weapons smuggling and cyber attacks. DHS is only mismanaging and making more difficult for the federal agencies to operate. These agencies were already operating at satisfactory levels prior to the creation of DHS on March 4, 2003. DHS has already misused and wasted billions of dollars in projects that were never finished, or if finished are ineffective. Are you willing to dismantle the DHS for the efficiency of our U.S. government service?
 As law obedient American citizens we have become accustomed and have learned to become tolerant and patient when traveling in our own country or overseas and have basically given up all of our “expectation of privacy” in the name of our national security in the fight against terrorism and the war on drugs. We have learned to endured hours of waiting in line to be searched and examined to prove that we are legally in this country and that we are not terrorists or drug traffickers or smugglers. However, the way we see it, we don’t believe that things are going to change unless you, whoever convinces us that you will make the appropriate changes, will have to do something about a problem that is making our great country look like pariah and our tourists decide to go to other countries to spend their vacation money because they consider our country to be very hostile and hypocrite. In brief, we are hated by most countries of the world thanks to our domestic and foreign policies. What are you going to do to correct this problem?
 Since when other countries such as Mexico can dictate our federal prosecutors who and when to prosecute our U.S. law enforcement officers?
 Why our three branches of our U.S. government condemn other countries from using inhumane and barbaric torture interview and interrogative techniques on people, including our own U.S. citizens, when we allow and encourage the use of such unconstitutional and depraved less than human interrogation tactics on our own U.S. citizens and national and citizens of other countries suspected of being linked to terrorist organizations?
 Why do we have 400,000 to over a million names in our “Terrorist Watch List” including the name of at least one former U.S. prosecutor?
 Why are our naturalized American citizens and lawful alien permanent residents born in “listed countries of special interest” subjected to intensive interrogation and background investigations at the numerous U.S. Border Patrol check points?
 Why the U.S. Border Patrol accounts only for 1% of blacks being employee as Border patrol Agents?
 The U.S. government recently implemented the “Merida Initiative” – another initiative to help our “friendly” neighbors south of the border, Mexico, plus some other Latin countries in their fight against violent crime, gun trafficking and smuggling, anti-drug initiatives etc. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) and ICE implemented two identical enforcement initiatives named, Operacion Armas Cruzadas (ICE) and Project Gun Running (ATF). I reviewed both basic facts of such initiatives and it appears that ATF will be responsible for the implementation of the two. Why is ICE misusing and wasting more tax-payer’s monies in duplicating the same enforcement initiative?
 The U.S. government has been assisting countries around the world through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and several other federal agencies. The U.S. government has allocated billions of dollars to USAID for the issuance of private contracts to companies that specialize in a number of specialties to assist third world countries. Certain U.S. government “watchdog” agencies have reported that some of the money (billions of USD) being allocated to certain projects, are being granted to private companies staffed by former USAID and other U.S. government officials. What are you going to do to stop this highly questionable ethical conflict of interest?
 My hope is that if you are serious about getting the votes of our Hispanic and Latino communities, that you tell us what you intend to do with the above referenced questions. Please no more lip service and no more “read my lips” – we have been around the block and we can tell who is telling the truth and who is being sincere with their promises.
 • Law enforcement groups call for probe of U.S. Rep. Reyes’ handling of kidnapping case • Sheriff Arpaio Sued Over Racial Profiling Of Latinos In Maricopa County • Arpaio's sweeps are targeted in lawsuit • In the Valley of the House of Death, We Shall Hide All Evil • Arizona lawman sued for alleged racial profiling • Bush claims executive privilege in Valerie Plame Wilson case • Ex-prosecutor on terrorism list: Fix mistake • Rangel’s Neighbors See a Rent Double Standard • Investigators find abuse in gov't contract program • USAID May Outsource Global Cash-Distribution Function |

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