|  |  | Editorials | Environmental | August 2008  
Mexico to Begin Ethanol Production in 2010: ACJ
Presidencia de la República go to original

| 31 biofuel production projects already proposed nationwide. | | Guadalajara, Jalisco - In 2010, Mexico will enter the era of ethanol production, with Jalisco in the lead, since it will be the first state where this fuel will be used by vehicles in Guadalajara's metropolitan area.
 This was reported by Agriculture Secretary Alberto Cárdenas Jiménez who added that, as announced in May, “There is already a team of federal and state government functionaries working on the projects, which are virtually at the evaluation stage. We have even detected possible investors."
 During the inauguration of the Third Extraordinary Session of the State Council of Sustainable Rural Development in Jalisco, the SAGARPA director said that this state already has a clear goal for 2010 when ethanol production and consumption is scheduled to begin and it was precisely the metropolitan zone of Guadalajara that was authorized by Pemex and the Energy and Environmental Secretariats to be the first to allow this type of fuel to be used in its vehicles.
 Alberto Cárdenas Jiménez reported that ethanol production will enable to join the Bioenergy Program for the Bioenergy Program. A total of 31 ethanol and biodiesel production projects have already been designed this year, including state-of-the-art projects incorporating products such as castor bean and jatropha as biofuel input.
 During the meeting with all the representatives of the social, private and fisheries sectors of the countryside, the Agriculture Secretary called on all the actors in the sector to join the Alliance for Sustainable Rural Development, designed by President Felipe Calderón.
 This Alliance is intended to guarantee the food sovereignty of all Mexicans, boost the incomes of families that earn their livelihood from the countryside and fishing and above all, achieve 5% growth in this sector during the current administration.
 In the afternoon, the Secretary of Agriculture presided over the meeting of the State Council of Sustainable Rural Development in Nayarit, where he was accompanied by State Governor Ney González Sánchez.
 Together with producers from Nayarit's social, private and fisheries sectors, Alberto Cárdenas Jiménez reviewed the progress of the agricultural, aquicultural and fishing programs developed in the state and invited all members of the primary sector of the economy to join the grand Alliance for Sustainable Rural Development, in order to boost growth in the sector.
 Source: Media and Communications Unit. Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food Secretariat (SAGARPA). |

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