| | | Editorials | Opinions | September 2008
9/11 Truth Has Failed To Create Change Lee Rogers - Black Listed News go to original
It is now seven years after the attacks of 9/11 and there is little question that the official story of these events is a complete fraud. Unfortunately, the corporate controlled media has successfully demonized and discredited people who have done legitimate research on these events and question the official story. The media has also used the outrageous and over the top antics of certain people in the 9/11 truth movement to add fuel to this fire. They have done a fantastic job of painting a false reality for the general public to think that anyone who questions the official story must be crazy.
At one point in time these antics might have been warranted to get people’s attention, but now with 9/11 truth out in the open these tactics are proving less and less effective. Although it is important for people to understand the true nature of the 9/11 attacks, taking to the streets and yelling about it has played right into the hands of the corporate controlled media and has relegated research on this issue to the fringe.
Sadly, 9/11 truth may eventually be used by the international community to bring down this country. Japanese legislators have started to investigate the 9/11 attacks and have specifically looked at the dubious explanation behind the collapse of WTC-7. If the world begins to find out that 9/11 was actually a false flag terrorist attack used as a pretext for the United States to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, 9/11 truth could potentially be used by the elites as an excuse for a future international invasion of this country. With this in mind, 9/11 truth is a double edged sword that can be used to expose both the criminals that did this and unlock minds, but might at some point be used against this country and the American people. This is certainly something that should be considered by those spreading the truth about what took place on 9/11.
9/11 truth groups are also frequently the targets of provocateurs and infiltrators. Recently a minor explosion near a New York City military recruiting station was blamed on We Are Change which is recognized as one of the most prominent 9/11 truth groups. This was an obvious provocative act designed to demonize and discredit this group. Unfortunately, groups are more easily targeted than empowered individuals who operate outside the scope of any group. Therefore, instead of focusing in on forming groups should we not become our own individual leaders that don’t follow any particular group or person? This would eliminate the possibility of a provocateur dressed up in a 9/11 Inside Job T-shirt from engaging in criminal activity that could be blamed on a large number of people.
With all this in mind, is taking to the streets and yelling that "9/11 was an inside job" really going to effect the change that we are looking for? Perhaps it could, but only if there were millions that marched in the streets instead of a few hundred or a few thousand. Unfortunately, those numbers have not and will probably not materialize anytime soon. Considering that 9/11 is one out of many issues that can be used to change people’s paradigms, would it not be more effective if people put their energy into setting up low powered FM radio stations that broadcast alternative talk radio shows or start up local access TV shows to discuss 9/11 and other issues in a more rational and prudent manner? Would it not be more effective if people became their own leaders instead of following the universally recognized 9/11 truth cult figure of Alex Jones whose recent actions at the Democratic National Convention were used by the mass media complex to further discredit 9/11 research?
While the status-quo might prove great for profiteers who sell 9/11 truth DVDs, 9/11 Inside Job T-shirts and other material, it has not been effective at creating any sort of change in this country. Although at one point it appeared as if the issue of 9/11 could be used to get people on board with what was really happening in this country, the mass media complex has done an excellent job at convincing people that anyone who questions the official story of 9/11 is a crackpot. Considering that it is now seven years after the attacks, it seems clear that the 9/11 truth movement has thus far failed to create change. The information and evidence proving that the official story of 9/11 is a lie is overwhelming yet that information has been neutralized for many of the aforementioned reasons.
Many in the 9/11 truth movement appeared to have only gone down to Ground Zero in 2007 because it was an excuse to get drunk, smoke weed and have a nice little party. It looks as if the same thing is happening again in 2008. Everyone will march around wearing black t-shirts chanting "9/11 was an inside job" and than go get wasted. If that happens on a year to year basis, things are certainly not going to change. Yes it is true that numerous celebrities have come out questioning the official story and more people know that the 9/11 Commission Report is a lie, but has that really changed anything? Why haven’t these millionaire celebrities and rock stars used their status and wealth to do something tangible to help us change things? This is just more proof that the 9/11 truth movement is turning into a cult instead of a legitimate resistance movement.
The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and achieving the same result. At first, I really believed that the issue of 9/11 was something that could be used to really change things but unfortunately I was wrong. While we still have a large segment of people obsessing over 9/11 truth, the elites are working on their next move. It is time to move beyond focusing in on just the issue of 9/11 and use 9/11 as just one piece of the puzzle that can be used to unlock the minds of others. This article is not meant to demonize the activism and efforts of others as most 9/11 truth activism has had positive results. Instead, this is an attempt to provide an honest opinion on what 9/11 truth has accomplished to date. Stop following leaders and groups and become your own leader. If we had more leaders than followers of leaders we’d be much more effective at changing things and that is especially true with 9/11 truth. That’s what really needs to happen if things are going to change. |
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