| | | Editorials | Opinions | November 2008
Immigration System in Need of Complete Overhaul Francis Zipple - Hattiesburg American go to original
| Santiago Chavez, his wife Bibiana Arzeta and their son, Leo, stand outside of their home in Phoenix. They are a Guatemalan-Mexican family and represent an emerging demographic trend taking shape in Phoenix and other cities throughout the Southwest. The immigration system is seen by many in the U.S. to be dysfunctional and unfair to both immigrants and native-born Americans. (Gannett News Service) | | Immigration laws and their enforcement have always been of special interest to me. My father immigrated from Germany and my mother, with her family, immigrated from what is now the Czech Republic. Their entry into the United States was peaceful and without incident. They experienced "unofficial" citizenship before actually becoming citizens. They felt welcome in America which was known as "the melting pot of the world." Needless to say, they were grateful for all that this great country offered.
The issue of immigration is causing many challenges to our state and country. Laws are made for the common good and therefore should be observed and enforced. There are laws governing immigration and violation of those laws militates against the common good.
Undocumented immigrants are often paid lower wages than U.S. workers and this can drive down wage rates for everyone. Undocumented immigrants often live a life lacking in dignity due to constant hiding, fear and abuse of basic human rights.
Seeing all the misery and chaos I question wherein lies the problem. Do the laws need to be amended? Or is the problem with the way in which the laws are enforced?
Certainly ICE raids are an affront to basic human dignity as they tear apart families - husbands from wives, children from parents, often leaving many totally destitute.
Raids do not address the causes of illegal immigration nor do they offer a solution. But what is the answer?
An insight into the problem can be gained from "The Latino Threat" a new publication by Leo R. Chavez, professor of anthropology at the University of California-Irvine. The title caught my attention.
Chavez investigates how the media at large have created an image that portrays Latinos as the ultimate illegitimate members of society.
Chavez suggests that the media at large nurture and perpetuate the notion that Latinos, particularly Mexicans, are a group wholly different from my parents and countless other immigrant groups that have flooded the U.S. over the centuries.
Latinos are portrayed as an invading force that is unwilling to assimilate, learn English, and adopt an "American" way of life.
The portrayal of Latinos as incapable of or unwilling to become part of the national community has created a culture of exclusion toward Latinos.
In the preface to "The Latino Threat," Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico, agrees with author Chavez that there is no secret re-conquest conspiracy among Mexican immigrants. Further, he notes that the author "highlights the more subtle effect: Latino immigrants are changing the culture of the United States in much the same way as did every previous surge of new residents."
I am very much in favor of an overhaul of the entire system.
Specifically we should support just, comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to legal status for the undocumented, and oppose any local, state or federal legislation that criminalizes those who have contributed their hard work and family values to our society. |
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