Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| Mikki Adams, (R) mother of Bums on Broadway's Morgan Adams, (L) steals the show at times in the hit musical playing on Friday nights through the end of December at Santa Barbara Theater. | | Long-time residents, Jeana Dunphy and Bret Buskrud, have combined their expertise and experience of more than 25 years in the travel and tour industry, creating, developing and implementing tours worldwide, to open the new tour company, Beyond Vallarta.
 In partnership with Vallarta's International Friendship Club and benefiting the IFC's charitable interests, Beyond Vallarta has developed dynamic tours.
 The first coming up is Essence of Guadalajara, December 2, 3 and 4, just in time for the holidays. For further information, visit Beyond Vallarta's website, contact Jeana Dunphy at 044-322-132-5126 or call the IFC at 222-5456.
 The International Friendship Club Home Tours are underway on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Wednesday tours include four homes for $35 USD. Thursday tours include two homes and lunch at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens for $50 USD, lunch included. Departure and ticket sales are at Andales on the Bay which is on Olas Altas next to blu Salon & Spa and across the street from Mama Dolores. Ticket sales begin at 9:00 am. Bus leaves at 10:30 am. For further information, call the IFC at (322) 222-5456.
 The next Becas Breakfast will be at River Cafe on Wednesday, December 10th at 9:30 am. Tickets cost $150 pesos and must be purchased in advance. This event helps support Becas Vallarta's almost 50-year-effort to educate bright, but economically challenged Puerto Vallarta girls and boys, 8th grade through university. Email: phvicars(at)gmail.com. The annual Becas Crystal Ball on March 5, 2009, will be a tribute to the late Peter Gray.
 The previous Becas Breakfast at beautiful Barrio Sur provided plenty of laughter at our table from Darla Fowler, Sylvia and Vern Sorenson, Sue and Jerry Nunley, Janice and Mike Borden, Consuelo (Lucy's Mom), Anni Thiessen and me. For your information, Anni, in real estate, house sits and sits animals. If interested, email her at athiessen(at)sirmexico.com.
 Orchid Sex will be discussed at the Vallarta Orchid Society meeting on Saturday, November 29, at 1 pm. at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens. For further information, go to pvorchids(at)gmail.com.
 Lots of kissin' and huggin' took place on Basilio Badillo when we all saw each other for Cassandra Shaw's, Lori Lorenzen's and Lucy and Gil's bashes the same night. People flowed out of the businesses. Along with wine and Margaritas everywhere. Lucy's Mom, Consuelo, did some dancing to the Mexican band music. With being around Consuelo at a couple of gatherings, she is delightful and loves Lucy and Gil very much.
 The International Friendship Club will have a Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, November 27, at 3 pm at Que Raro at Club Ma๑ana, V. Carranza 250. A contribution will be made to the IFC charities. Register by phone at (322) 222-5466 before November 25th.
 The third annual Pet Picnic will be on Saturday, December 6, at 11 am at Daiquiri Dick's Restaurant, overlooking Los Muertos Beach. You can purchase tickets at Daiquiri Dick's or The Deli.
 Holiday music will be celebrated by the Vallarta Chamber Orchestra and the Vallarta Chamber Choir on December 14 at the Colegio Americana (American School) in the Marina Vallarta area. For further information, call Mary MacLachlan at 322-134-8855.
 The Wise Wo-men of Vallarta may never be the same after Len from blu salon appears with his "Ho! Ho! Ho!" on Wednesday, December 3, at 10 am at the International Friendship Club, Libertad and Miramar. Heaven knows what advice he will offer!
 Speaking of Len, you undoubtedly will want to attend his big bash on Saturday, November 29, from 8-10 pm, celebrating three years of success for blu by Len salon. It all undoubtedly will be outrageous.
 The wedding of Margaret L'Cuyer and Terry Blocka was beautiful at the 7 Columns of the Krystal Hotel. A page of wedding photos by Roberto Aceves was in the November 16 issue of Ambito. The wedding dinner under a full moon beside Banderas Bay provided a lot of conversation and fun for us. Sitting together were Debbi Eagan, Sudy Coy, Carol Anne Anderson, Kitty Roberts, Sally Conley, Alma Cardena, Deborah Brady and me.
 I am a fan of Liza Minnelli, as you may be, and her musical and performance talent. MANelli at Santa Barbara Theater tries to be "camp," I guess, but it seemed to me to be making fun of Minnelli. So, I put my eyes on dancer Mr. Gay Vallarta Alejandro Borgarin. He is so cute!
 In the much better Bums on Broadway, the preacher's wife of the church at Santa Barbara Theater shakes a lot of body parts. Joy Lehman put on a blonde wig... and vroom. Mikki Adams, mother of the show's Morgan Adams, stole the show at times, although not part of the central cast of the usual ensemble of Frederico Fonseco, Paul Guerrero, Morgan Adams, Daina Heilig and Alejandro Borgarin. Bums is a lively show of recorded music and vocals, with some good choreography and dancing.
 Saw musician and record producer Blaine Selkirk in my neighborhood the other day. He will direct Los Bambinos in upcoming shows at Santa Barbara Theater.
 It is such fun to go to Phebel, Madero 247, every now and then for a pedicure or manicure. We all laugh and communicate in Spanglish in owner Andrea's shop. With her knowledge of English and Spanish, she can straighten us out when we go astray verbally.
 Mama Rosa Restaurant, 297 Leona Vicario, now is open for dinner from 6-11 pm. The food is traditional Mexican and very good. They have an excellent reputation for their traditional Mexican breakfasts served from 8 am - 2 pm. Many of Puerto Vallarta's fine art galleries are on the same street.
 Children of Pasitos de Luz (Steps of Light) and Agape (God's Love) touched out hearts at Outback Steakhouse's 8th anniversary party. A large turnout assured funds to help these children with special needs.
 Debbi Eagan, owner of Banana Cantina, says, with the death of her dear husband, Mike, "This is the first time for me living alone in my life." If you have seen a pink Mercedes, this is part of Debbi's continuing life. "The reason I painted it pink, I needed/wanted something to make me smile." It worked, she says. "People stop and stare, I give them thumbs down or up and invariably they give me a smile and thumbs up." Debbi continues, "My favorite reaction so far was a bus driver with a pretty full load, he stopped, and they all checked out the car and then my thumbs up/down routine. I had all of them with thumbs up and laughing." Why we can't help but love Debbi. She will soon start her charity dinners again that help so many.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |