|  |  | Editorials | Opinions | January 2009  
I, Resident, Oppose Maritime Malecon Vendors
Michel Rubini - PVNN

| |  | Despite numerous letters and petitions to city officials from area condominium owners, shop keepers and the Restaurant Association who oppose the vendors that have set up their stands along the Maritime Malecón, so far, nothing has been done.
 The letters below are examples of the petitions opposing the vendor stands on the Maritime Malecon sent to City Hall by area residents last year:
 Regarding: Opposition to the City Hall plan of bringing more vendors to the Maritime Malecon.
 To Whom It May Concern:
 I am a resident of the Condominios Malecon Dos, and I very strongly oppose and object to having vendors anywhere near our beautiful Malecon II building, the new parking structure and the Malecon I building. Below are my reasons for eliminating all vendors from the Maritime Malecon.
 1. After all the money that has been spent by the city to make the new Malecon look beautiful and to bring tourists to the area, you are now allowing vendors to pollute the area with their garbage, use the ocean for their bathroom, disturb the peace and tranquility of all the residents in the area and all of this so they can try to sell more of the very same tourist trash that is sold in every kiosk in and around the city.
 2. The last thing that we all need are more vendors. You cannot travel anywhere in Puerto Vallarta now without seeing these vendors who all sell the same tourist souvenir trash and the same cheap and unclean food.
 3. We do desperately need a clean, non-polluted, quiet Malecon walkway for all the visitors that come to Puerto Vallarta to walk on, to experience its charm and tranquility, to stroll easily hand in hand, to see and enjoy the beautiful ocean and beach, without crowding, people yelling, vendors selling cheap trash out of ugly, dirty little kiosks that make the tourists think that the Mexican culture is nothing but a bunch of dirty, sloppy, money hungry people who have no respect for themselves or the tourists that they are trying to constantly hustle a few pesos from.
 4. The whole city is full of vendors. Everywhere you look you see them. This is not why tourists come to Puerto Vallarta. All the advertising that the city does to attract tourists to come to Puerto Vallarta shows beautiful beaches and ocean, and that is what the tourists come for. At least give them and us (the residents) a little bit of quiet ocean and beach without the junkie, cheap vendors blocking the view that we all want to see and enjoy. That's really all we have to sell, our beaches, our ocean, beautiful vistas and our culture. People do not come to Puerto Vallarta to buy a lot of cheap junk to take home with them. Yes, they like to buy souvenirs, but there are already a thousand shops and vendors to buy them from, we don't need more of them to foul, pollute and destroy the only beach walk that we have in the entire city and give the impression to the rest of the world that our city has nothing more to offer than a dirty little third world border town, and that's what it is looking like right now.
 Sincerely, - Michel Rubini, Condominios Malecon II Home Owner Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. a 06 de Septiembre de 2008
 C. Javier Bravo Carbajal Presidente Municipal de Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
 C.C. Regidores H. Ayuntamiento de Puerto Vallarta
 Por este conducto me permito de nueva cuenta presentar mi más enérgica inconformidad ya que con fecha 28 de Julio de 2008, se presento a ustedes un escrito (del cual a la fecha no tenemos una respuesta por parte de ustedes como autoridad) por parte de la Administración del Condominio Malecón Dos en donde soy propietario de un departamento y en dicho escrito se les solicita a ustedes como autoridades el retiro inmediato de los vendedores con puestos semifijos. Esto por la serie de molestias que se han generado desde que el pasado mes de Mayo se instalaron en esta área, por lo que demandamos que dicha petición sea ejecutada a la brevedad, puesto que ahora tuvimos conocimiento para colmo por los medios impresos la probabilidad de que otros puestos semifijos se instalen incrementado el numero de estos, lo que agravaría la ya de por si pésima situación en esta área.
 En espera de una pronta, y positiva solución a lo anteriormente escrito me despido de usted.
 Atentamente, Michel Rubini Propietario del Condominio # Condominio Malecon Dos |

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