|  |  | Editorials | Opinions | January 2009  
Alexander: Schwarzenegger’s Tax Proposal Unfairly Targets Working People
Peace and Freedom Party

| Stewart A. Alexander California Governor for 2010 Peace and Freedom Party |  | As the State of California continues to slide deeper into the worst budget crisis in the state’s history, Peace and Freedom Party and Stewart A. Alexander launched an attack on Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s budget proposal; Stewart Alexander says, “It will benefit the rich and tax the poor.”
 Mr. Kevin Akin, Chairperson for Peace and Freedom Party, says Governor Schwarzenegger’s tax proposal is a “savage attack on working people.” Instead, the Peace and Freedom Party has urged an “emergency 5 percent tax on California’s richest one percent to help resolve the state’s budget crisis.”
 Stewart Alexander says the “governor’s tax proposal continues to demonstrate that the governor lacks the ability to lead the State of California.” While running as a candidate for California lieutenant governor in 2006, Alexander repeatedly criticized Schwarzenegger on California budget issues. Alexander says, “California’s economy has experienced major set-backs under Schwarzenegger’s leadership.”
 Governor Schwarzenegger’s budget proposal will seek to close California’s $41 billion budget deficit by raising taxes on consumer services, a shorter school year, reducing the dependent care exemption on state income tax returns, a $12 billion hike on vehicle registration and a sales tax increase.
 Kevin Akin says, “The sales tax is a regressive tax that falls far more heavily on working people and the poor. Together with the governor’s proposal to reduce the per-child income tax exemption by a brutal two-thirds, this would result in the worst shift from progressive to regressive taxation in California’s history.”
 Alexander emphasize that Schwarzenegger should focus on putting Californians back to work rather than taxing what little income that is earned by most working people. Alexander has proposed creating jobs in the building and construction industry by restoring and repairing millions of California homes and creating jobs by bringing automobile manufacturing to California.
 To address California’s immediate budget woes, Alexander says Schwarzenegger should take the advice of the Peace and Freedom Party. This week, Kevin Akin summarized the budget-related proposals of Peace and Freedom Party as follows:
 • Raise income taxes on the most prosperous five percent of taxpayers – the highest rates on those making the most.
 • Lower sales taxes, and aim for their elimination.
 • End property taxes on modest owner-occupied homes, take the cap off property taxes on corporations.
 • Enact an emergency five percent capital tax on the richest one percent of Californians.
 • Ban the wastefully expensive contracting-out of state, country and city jobs.
 • Release non-violent drug offenders and others servicing excessive sentences; transfer 25 percent of prison funds to education.
 • Enact a universal single-payer health care for better care at less cost.
 • Eliminate the undemocratic 2/3 vote requirement for budget and finance decisions by the Legislature.
 • End the stranglehold of the big-money Democratic and Republican parties by enacting proportional representation in the Legislature, giving a voice to all points of view in Sacramento.
 For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander; Peace and Freedom Party; Governor’s proposed sales tax a ‘savage attack’ on working people.
 http://banderasnews.com/0901/nw-stewartalexander02.htm http://StewartAlexanderCares.com http://peaceandfreedom-sjv.org/home/ http://www.sp-usa.org/ |

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