|  |  | Health & Beauty | January 2009  
Successful Weight Loss Achieved with New Device
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| |  | Sentinel Group announced the first implants of the Full Sense Device on November 3-4, 2008 at Galenia Hospital in Cancun, Mexico by American doctors Randal Baker MD, James Foote MD and Mexican doctor Jorge Trevino MD.
 The Full Sense Device is a stent like device placed through the mouth into the top of the stomach to cause a feeling of fullness. It causes fullness by placing pressure on the bottom of the esophagus and the top of the stomach. The device can be placed and removed via endoscopy. "The Full Sense Device essentially tricks the brain into thinking that the stomach is full when it is not," said Fred Walburn, PhD., President of Sentinel Group. "This technology represents potentially the greatest step forward in the battle against obesity since the inception of bariatric surgery."
 "Most of today's bariatric surgeries require some type of pouch filled with food to create a full feeling," stated Randal Baker MD. "This device, so far, is showing better weight loss than most surgeries because it does not depend on food intake." Dr. Foote adds, "We believe this technology will be another great tool in the fight against obesity."
 "Galenia Hospital is pleased to be the first center to treat patients with the Full Sense Device," said Dr. Trevino, Head of Bariatric Surgery. "The patients are losing weight better than most of my surgery patients and are extremely happy."
 The Galenia Hospital located in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico is a modern facility with state of the art equipment which go beyond the everyday services, with highly trained doctors and a wide range of medical specialties along with experienced people working for health care of national and international patients.
 Sentinel Group is a medical device development company founded to commercialize patents owned by its principals and to assist physician inventors in commercializing their ideas. The company's intellectual property portfolio includes technologies in the areas of: bariatrics, colorectal anastomoses, diverticulitis, hiatal hernia, depression, Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES), Endoscopy and GERD. The Company's first product is the Full Sense(TM) Bariatric Device.
 The Full Sense(TM) Device is not available in all markets pending regulatory clearance. Sentinel Group(R) and Full Sense(TM) Device are trademarks of Sentinel Group LLC. |

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