|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | January 2009  
The Weekend Beat - January 3, 2009
Puerto Vallarta News with William Michael
 This is Weekend Beat and I'm William Michael with a look at some of our top stories.

| For entertaining video reports covering everything from the hottest places to eat, drink and shop to information about attractions, events, and charitable organizations, be sure to watch Laura Gelezunas every month on The Banderas Beat. |  | Check Us Out!: The Puerto Vallarta tourism office will continue to step up its marketing efforts in 2009. They have scheduled their first promotion plans to visit Chicago, Monterrey and Spain and January. In terms of marketing, an investment of almost $30 million pesos was made to fund campaigns in the US, Canadian and Mexican markets.
 Fit for a King: January 6th is the Epiphany - the end of the Christmas season, which occurs 12 days after the birth of Christ. This is when the Magi arrived bearing gifts for baby Jesus. In Mexico, children receive their gifts on this day, brought by the three kings, Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltazar. Some children receive gifts from both Santa Claus and the Kings, but Santa is seen as an imported custom. To learn how you can help Toys for Tots Vallarta deliver toys to thousands of poor children around Banderas Bay on January 7th, click HERE.
 Toy Troubles: The Mexican toy industry is losing the game against the economic crisis. Toy manufacturers reported the cancellation of at least 20 percent of orders made for holiday sales. Retailers anticipated consumers would be tightening their belts this season. The average price spent on toys last year was $365 pesos, this year, only $340 pesos were spent, a decrease of eight percent. Smaller toy companies that can't afford to invest in new technology, are suffering the most.
 BanderasNews.com is constantly evolving, and video is an important part of our progress. Check out our new video feature, Meet the Agents. These vignettes give you a closer view of the area's real estate community. I will have one for you to watch soon.
 A Dark 2008: Mexican stocks fell on the last day of the year. The market closed out its worst year in a decade, hit by the global credit crisis and a recession in the United States, Mexico's chief trading partner. Mexican markets plummeted during the final months of the year as investors panicked and dumped emerging market assets. But there are expectations. The change of the U.S. administration will spur a rally in the market. U.S. President-elect Barack Obama is expected to push for a massive stimulus package, which will affect Mexico.
 What's Your Resolution?: We're into the first week of 2009, have you kept your promise to improve yours or someone else's life? According to a US government survey, here's a look at some of the top New Year's resolutions. Lose weight, manage debt, get a better education, reduce stress and perform volunteer work. I am going to try to keep mine.
 Now the second edition of the Daiquiri Dick's Cookbook is out. It is available at Daiquiri Dick's Restaurant for only $350 pesos.
 You've been watching Weekend Beat on Puerto Vallarta's Liveliest Website, BanderasNews.com. This is the only place to watch local video reports. I'm William Michael, see you next week.
 This edition of The Weekend Beat was sponsored by Video Diva Productions and Coldwell Banker La Costa Realty.
 DISCLAIMER: Please note that Weekend Beat transcripts are typed from a recording of the program; PVNN cannot guarantee their complete accuracy. |

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