|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | February 2009  
7th National Charro Championship Finals
Adán Leyva Ávalos - PVNN

| Highlights from the 7th National Charro Championship, which were held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico from February 18-22, 2009. (PromoVision) |  | The final results for the 7th National Charro Championship 2009 held in Puerto Vallarta were the following: Puente de Camotlán came in first place, making them the Champions with a total of 415 points, Jalisco's Rancho Nuevo de Tepa took second place with 317 points and third place went to Hacienda Tamariz with 308 points.
 Fourth place went to Rancho El Edén from Mexico city with 303 points, with 299 points the fifth place winners were Tequila Don Roberto from Jalisco. And coming in sixth place were Santa Fe de Valladolid from Morelia Michoacan with 288 points.
 A $250,000 pesos check was issued to the first place winners, Puente de Camotlan. $200,000 pesos to Second Place winners Rancho Nuevo, and $150,000 pesos to Third place winners Hacienda Tamariz.
 The awards were given out by the Mayor of Puerto Vallarta Javier Bravo Carbajal; Miguel González González, Director of Tourism; Raul Diaz, President of the Organizing Committee of the Championship and Mr. Miguel Prieto Ibarria Gonzalez, President of Charros de Vallarta.


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