|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | March 2009  
Sailors Prepare for Banderas Bay Regatta
Dick Williams - PVNN

| Banderas Bay Regatta 2009 - Practice Day (Strange Bird Photography) |  | March 18, 2009 - There was not a lot to report on today at the Banderas Bay Regatta as competitive sailing does not start until Thursday afternoon March 19th. Race rules were reviewed, weather reports given, and handicaps assigned. After the morning's meetings the race committee set up a practice course and many skippers and their crews spent the afternoon testing their boats and skills.
 While attending the more mundane, but necessary, activities that are part of any competition of this type, this writer did find that the future of sailing in Puerto Vallarta is in good and caring hands, thanks in part to people like Charles Naslund, owner/skipper of Sabir Vivir, a Catalina 30, and Shelly and Jody Ward, owners/skippers of Eros, a Lapwoth 36. Sabir Vivir and Eros are two of the 42 boats participating in this year's Banderas Bay Regatta.
 For the past 4 years Vallarta Yacht Club has sponsored a Junior Sailing Program for local kids from ages 8 to 14. Under the guidance of professional instructors these young folks have gone from not knowing what a main sheet is to becoming pretty accomplished sailors. Sailing in small 8 ft Optimists and 14 ft Lasers, a number of these students have performed well in a number of organized races, winning in a number of cases, and in several cases qualifying for participation in some well known international competitions. The program currently has 20 students.
 Because of their passion for sailing and the desire to pass it on to future generations the Ward's and Charles Naslund have invited 9 of these sailing program members (3 boys and 6 girls) to crew with them in this year's Banderas Bay Regatta.
  Imagine the thrill it must be for a young sailor who has been sailing and racing in small Optimists and Lasers to all of a sudden have the opportunity, to not just crew on a 30 foot plus sailing yacht, but to crew on one in a nationally recognized competitive race.
 Charles, Shelly, and Jody deserve special recognition for their commitment to young people of Banderas Bay and to the future of sailing in the area and in fact the rest of Mexico. For more information about the youth sailing program visit VallartaYachtClub.org.
 Click HERE for 2009 Banderas Bay Regatta daily coverage and race results |

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