|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | March 2009  
Race 3 and Final Results of the 17th Annual Banderas Bay Regatta
Dick Williams - Banderas Bay Regatta
 As with any sport one game, or in this case race, does not sort out evenly matched competitors. Saturday races were no exception. Some Classes had competitors who dominated the race. In Class A Cirque, Blue and Lussino placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in all three races. In Class D, Eros and Saber Viver placed respectively 1 and 2 in each of the three races.
 In the same Class The Jake came back after a shaky start in race 1 to edge out Island Mistress for third overall. Eros and Saber were, by the way, one of several two boats using Vallarta Yacht Club Sailing Program students for at least part of their crew.
 There was a lot or serious racing going on in Class B where Profigate, Escapade, Humu Humu, and Pantera were fighting it out every day. When the final results were tallied the top three places respectively went to Profligate, Escapade and Humu Humu, with Pantera coming in a close 4th. Class C also saw a lot of tight racing. Although Tenaz pretty much dominated all three races, the fight for 2nd and 3rd place was tenacious with J World 2 coming back strong in the 3rd race to sew up 2nd place, and J World 4 just snuck by J World 5 to take 3rd.
 One of the biggest surprises occurred in Class D where Talion and Tomatillo had outstanding 3rd races to place 1 and 2 over the 3rd place finisher, Rose of Sharon. Rose of Sharon had literally dominated the first two races but shortly after the start of Race 3 they caught their mainsail on something and ripped a gash in the bottom part of it. Luckily for them the tear was in a location low enough on the sail that it allowed them to shorten the sail a bit and salvage a 3rd place finish.
 Banderas Bay Regatta Awards 2009 (Click HERE to view photo gallery)
 It was obvious by observing the crowd and Saturday nights Awards Banquet that everyone involved in the regatta had a good time. The competitiveness gave way to camaraderie and revelry. The skippers and crews of the race boats plus more than 300 friends and well wishers joined the festivities on the beach at the Paradise Village Beach Resort and Spa. After the dinner and the awards presentation crowd was kept happy well into the evening with some great music from Philo Hayward and the Mexican Shuffle Band.
 The 17th Annual Banderas Bay Regatta is now in the history books and the race committee is already planning next year's race. This fun event would not be possible, however, without the generous support of its sponsors, including: Vallarta Yacht Club, Grupo Lloyd, Paradise Village Beach Resort and Spa, Vallarta Lifestyles Publishing Group, Mariners General Insurance Group, State of Nayarit/Rivera Nayarit, Philo's Bar and Restaurant, P.V. Sailing, and Vallarta Yachts.
 Click HERE for 2009 Banderas Bay Regatta daily coverage and race results


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