|  |  | Vallarta Living | March 2009  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN

| Between friends, food, fireworks, concerts, meetings, seminars and lots of parties - not to mention international and local news - there's always something to see, do, or talk about while you're Out and About in Puerto Vallarta. |  | "Why?" Many expatriate volunteers are asking that question with Immigration requiring papers for permission to volunteer in Puerto Vallarta.
 Volunteers simply volunteering undoubtedly aren't part of the questions for Immigration. It is when it gets more complicated with charities and volunteers receiving money in various forms, such as donations, equipment and paid staff. Or persons earning money, saying they are volunteers.
 Current criteria by Immigration undoubtedly must be heeded by all. A new director has set all of this in motion. As in elementary school for some of us, when one student did something bad, the entire class would be punished. So it seems here.
 Others here point out that quite a number of expatriates work here, earning money, and do not have work papers. Those persons undoubtedly need to get their work papers in order for Immigration. Fines apparently must be paid within 24 hours or deportation can occur. Immigration, as pointed out in a meeting for expatriates, wants to ensure jobs for Mexicans. Many nationals have lost their jobs. More than 150 stores here have closed.
 Immigration may not realize how many volunteers are here and how cumbersome the paper work may be for them. For instance, the Community Church has 4,000 persons visit during the year. The bulk of these visitors volunteer in some way in communities to the north and east and in the city dump area. They are helping persons. That is one organization, of many, in Vallarta.
 Hallelujah! After the seventh try, I have my visa in hand. This is a year of bureaucracy with more paperwork and deadlines. I even received a jury duty summons for the U.S.
 U.S. officials of the Obama Administration are in and out of Mexico these days concerning the drug violence. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will visit Mexico City and Monterrey March 25-26. She will have talks with Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa. The US is considering sending troops to the border to deal with the spillover in the US. There, 230 cities now have Mexican cartels, according to the US Dept. of Justice. Teenage hit men, as well, are being hired in the US by the Mexican cartels.
 Wise Wo-men features Fernando Valerio discussing "Mexican Financials at a Glance" at 10 am on Wednesday, March 25, at the International Friendship Club, Libertad and Miramar. Click HERE for more details.
 Ten new day care centers will be opened across the state of Jalisco, including one in Puerto Vallarta. The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Jalisco is establishing them by June 30.
 A couple of street/store parties on Constitution near Basilio Badillo have been successful. Toody Walton of La Bohemia, with the beautiful clothes and accessories, coordinated these efforts. Paco and she are off in April to their vineyard in Argentina.
 Stop by the International Gallery of Brian and Bridged Lott, Morelos 600-A, between Adana and Corona, Tel: (322) 222-3278. International art, sculpture, decor and gifts are featured. Poet and writer Karen Blomain's art currently is featured there.
 So many persons are excited and waiting for the International Fireworks Symposium, April 20-24.
 Tikul restaurant in Marina Vallarta has a top-notch reputation for fine food and service. We found that to be true recently. We ordered the set-price, three-course meal that is featured during the upcoming Restaurant Week in May. We were in heaven with Asian-flavored dishes of chicken, pork and fish with glorious vegetables. Dessert, whether Sesame-Covered Poached Pears or Banana Mousse, sent us to paradise. One of the guests wanted a glass of wine featured only by bottle. With class there, she received her glass of wine.
 This was one of many gatherings for Bob and Linda Trapp, who are returning to California in early April. While Bob fished, Linda (Dr. Trapp) wrote three books here and contributed to the music program at the Community Church. She will continue to conduct seminars.
 The Puerto Vallarta Chamber Orchestra just gets better and better. The March 15 Spring Concert was breathtaking in its variety, depth and complexities. Included was Symphony No.1, Opus 21, of Beethoven and a jazz medley of three different styles - jazz ballad, Latin and swing. D'Rachael on flute and Doug DeMeerleer on bass were excellent.
 Concerto for bassoon by Maria Emelia Torres Robleado and a New Zealand love story by John Robertson with flute and strings were interesting. Bach's Prelude, Choral and Fugue was absolutely beautiful. The community is privileged to have Nick Salmans as the orchestra conductor.
 My 8-year-old grandson, Blake, on his birthday last week, told me excitedly by phone, "I can run and jump now!" He is healed after experiencing a childhood rare bone disease, spending one year in a wheelchair and another year in braces. He is admired in his community for how positively he handled this as a child. Thank you to so many of you for your kindness in inquiring about him during the past two years.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |

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