|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | April 2009  
2009 Int'l Fireworks Art Symposium Update

| As part of Puerto Vallarta's 90th Anniversary celebration, a National Fireworks Competition turned the Puerto Vallarta Sports Stadium into a dazzling fiesta full of bright lights and colors last June. (Video Diva Productions) |  | Puerto Vallarta will explode in a profusion of light, color and sound from April 20-24, as the city hosts internationally famous fireworks manufacturers and showmen, who'll present spectacular displays of the finest and newest fireworks, during the 11th International Symposium of Fireworks.
 Throughout the four-day event, the Puerto Vallarta Sheraton Buganvilias Resort and Convention Center will serve as a meeting point for fireworks manufacturers to exchange the latest technologies and ideas with other members of the pyrotechnic industry.
 The fireworks symposium also gives pyrotechnical showmen the chance to showcase their various disciplines and specialties. Various product demonstrations and shows will be open to the public during the event, including traditional fireworks displays evoking Mexican fiestas and folklore presented by fireworks companies from several states in Mexico, including Jalisco, Tlaxcala and Mexico D.F., among others.
 Most nighttime displays will be held at the Sports Stadium in the Hotel Zone or on the Malecón in downtown Puerto Vallarta. Daylight displays will be at the Sheraton Buganvilias Resort and Convention Center. The programs listed below are free and open to the public. Keep checking back for updates as program details are finalized.
 11th International Fireworks Symposium Public Events Schedule:
 Monday, April 20, 2009
 Fireworks display #1 by: Unión de Pirotécnicos del Estado de Jalisco Comisión Representativa del Estado de Michoacán Comisión Representativa del Estado de Guanajuato Antonio Sonora Corona, Zacatecas
 Type of Show: 8 Traditional "Castillos de Morillo" plus an Aerial Display. Castillos are the most traditional type of fireworks still produced in Mexico and is pure living history and a great tradition in the area. A show not to be missed.
 Location: Sports Stadium Baseball field (across from the Sheraton Hotel)
 Time: 8 pm to 10 pm
 Fireworks display #2 by: Pirotecnia Mexicana Artesanal, S.A. de C.V.
 Type of Show: Pyromusical Towers. In this 45 minutes show, the main attraction will be 3 Castillo 25 m tall towers portraying the tradition of fireworks in Mexico.
 Location: Malecón
 Time: 8:30 pm
 Tuesday, April 21, 2009
 Fireworks display #1 by: Pirotecnicos de Tultepec
 Type of Show: Daylight Castillo Known as the capital of Mexican fireworks, famous for it’s large consumer fireworks manufacture, the 40 members of the group “Pirotécnicos de Tultepec” will present a daylight Castillo.
 Location: Sports Stadium Baseball field across from the Sheraton Hotel
 Time: 12 Noon
 Fireworks display #2: A large display including three 35 meter high Castillos, plus a main Castillo of 50 meters in their pyromusical show in the evening
 Location: La Lija, El Pitillal
 Time: TBA
 Fireworks display #3 by: Pirotecnia Espectacular Adán
 Location: On the Malecón
 Time: 8:30 pm
 Thursday, April 23, 2009
 Fireworks display #1 by: Pirotecnia Espectacular Adán Fuegos Artificiales Adrían Facon Eventos Pirotécnicos
 Type of Show: "Castillo Piromusical" “Mexico ante el Mundo” (Mexico Before the World) is the title of the show where families with a long tradition in the pyrotechnic industry will blend 5 traditional Castillos into a pyro-musical show. All of their experience and mastery will be used to blend the traditional components of Castillos with modern technology to create an exciting 1 hour show.
 Location: The Malecón in downtown Puerto Vallarta
 Time: TBA
 Fireworks display #2 by: Ramsa Pirotecnia
 Type of Show: Traditional "Castillo" plus Pyro-musical From San Pedro Zumpango, State of Mexico with a long tradition in the manufacture of fireworks, David Silva President of Pyro Producciones Piromusicales will design and fire with a FIREONE equipment, 18 minutes of special pyro-musical show with a great Castillo with double tower 30 meters high with great set pieces, shells 3”, 4”, 6”, 8” made by Ramos Family: Alejandro Ramos Avila, Diego Ramos A., Juan Ramos A. Jose Ramos, Julio Ramos García, Misael Ramos, Gustavo Ramos, Alejandro Ramos Jr., Rogellio Ramos and Luis Ramos. In this spectacle will be fire bombettes, candles, mines and comets in 30mm and 50mm made by Joel Hernández of APM Fireworks.
 Location: On the Malecón
 Time: TBA
 Fireworks display #3 by: Unión de Pirotécnicos de San Mateo Tlalchichilpan
 Type of Show: Traditional San Mateo Tlalchichilpan is a town known for its long tradition in the manufacture of fireworks and the Unión de Pirotécnicos are very well known for their experience, creativity and artistry, having won respect among all “Maestros Pirotécnicos” in the country. This show promises some of the most complicated set pieces of the week.
 Location: The Malecón
 Time: TBA
 Friday, April 24, 2009
 Fireworks display #1 by: Unión Estatal Poblana de la Pirotecnia Yotécatl
 Type of Show: Traditional "Castillo" and aerial display From the State of Puebla, the second largest region of manufacturing of fireworks in Mexico, the Union has decided to convene the new generation to design an outstanding show for the Symposium, having as main theme "Puebla History and Culture." An interesting mixture of new ideas supported by the experience earned through many years of hard work and tradition. Great expectations for this show.
 Location: Football field across from the Sheraton Hotel
 Time: 8 pm
 All of the programs are free and open to the public except for two private events. One private showing will be held on Sunday April 19, at the Sheraton Hotel by the locally famous Zagal. The other will be the closing event on April 24th at the Westin Regina. Both shows will involve floating platforms on the Bay, so even if you do not have tickets to attend these events, you should be able to see the fireworks over Banderas Bay. |

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