|  |  | Editorials | Opinions | May 2009  
Sometimes Doing the Right Thing Can Hurt
A Letter to the Editor from Mary Strafuss
 I had planned a trip to Puerto Vallarta many months ago for my son’s high school graduation gift. We were scheduled to be there May 28-June 1. Then the (Swine Flu) outbreak, then the stories, then the deaths – I have to admit I checked every day until Continental waived my cancellations fees so I could quickly change our plans to go anywhere but Mexico.
 Now, I am an intelligent successful woman that had many years in the medical field – but still I was scared and unsure. Unsure of so many things - apprehensive of bringing the virus back to my other children if I would go.
 Then one day a few weeks ago, I woke up – I researched and begun to understand the scope of the virus. We have six cases of the swine flu 20 miles south of me in Kansas City – would I tell my family not to come see me because of that?
 I moved with trepidation to make a final decision. I found your website and many others and replaced facts before emotion. I do not want to minimize the souls that have been lost to the virus but I also do not want to hurt a beautiful country that has been devastated in so many ways by the escalation of health concerns. Right or wrong, I do believe it was done with the public in mind – but doing the right thing doesn’t mean people do not get hurt - it doesn’t mean the economy doesn’t hurt.
 The decision? We will be there on May 28th – staying at the Dreams Hotel and taking in your city and your culture. I do not want to come empty handed though – after reading about how quickly the loss of jobs has affect Puerto Vallarta – what can I do? Can I donate food or to a local charity while I am there? I am not wealthy by any means, but I am fortunate in my life and my family
 Please let me know how, in some small way, I can help. - Mary Strafuss
 mstrafuss1380(at)everestkc.net |

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