|  |  | Editorials | Opinions | May 2009  
Fear and Panic... Totally Unfounded
William Thomas - PVNN

| (Larry Bennnett Photography) |  | Though there has not been one reported case of Swine Flu in the Banderas Bay area, people all over the streets are wearing masks. In an open letter, Nuevo Vallarta resident William Thomas expressed his concern for the dire consequences this hysteria will have on our beloved Mexico.
 Just an update from "fear filled" Mexico! There has not been one reported case of Swine Flu in the entire State of Jalisco... but people all over the streets are wearing masks! I even saw a guy on a motorcycle in a mask! Like the germs are flying through the air and will get him on his motorbike!
 The news media have created a panic here and are costing Mexico a fortune in tourist revenues. This, in light of the economic crisis we are already facing, will have devastating consequences on Mexico. Millions of people are already without work.
 We went to see Dr. Lupita for a checkup today and found her in her office wearing a mask! I made fun of her, but she is being victimized by the news media, too. You see, a mask doesn't do a damned thing to protect you unless someone WITH THE FLU coughs directly into your face!
 However, you CAN get it by touching a surface or touching a person contaminated with the flu. So, just wash your fucking hands and take off those goddamned ridiculous masks! The mask maker is so thrilled with this panic!
 The streets of Puerto Vallarta are empty of tourists, restaurants are closing, schools are closed for the NEXT WEEK! Talk about an over-reaction! You see people working in the streets - with no human contact - wearing the stupid masks! In all the grocery stores all the employees are wearing masks and the gardener across the canal is cleaning the pool wearing a mask!
 People seem to think the virus is flying through the air and will kill them if they don't have a mask on their face. I am so concerned for the dire consequences this hysteria will have on my beloved Mexico!
 Hard to imagine, isn't it? |

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