|  |  | Travel Writers' Resources | May 2009  
U.S. Poets in Mexico Second Annual Event in Mérida
Sheila Lanham - uspoetsinmexico.org
 In January 2010, U.S. Poets in Mexico will be returning to Mérida for our second annual event. U.S. Poets in Mexico invites contemporary American and Mexican poets to Mérida every year for one week of poetry workshops, readings, Spanish lessons and day trips.
 Faculty members will be notable and emerging poets, and will always include two bilingual professors. The program will also always include a reading by a poet who writes in an indigenous language of Mexico. Workshop participants must apply online at UsPoetsInMexico.org
 The January 2010 Mérida faculty will be: Mark Doty (Winner of the 2008 National Book Award for Poetry), Anne Waldman (Founder, along with Allen Ginsberg, of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University in Boulder, CO), Martin Espada (whom Sandra Cisneros has dubbed "the Pablo Neruda of North America"), Pedro Serrano (professor at UNAM D.F. and editor of their groovy online ezine, Periodico de Poesia) and Cassandra Tribe (a performance poet deeply involved in film.)
 Featured readings will be: José Vicente Anaya (distinguished poet, essayist, editor and translator) from Mexico City (José has translated Bukowski, Ginsberg, Marge Piercy, Henry Miller and others), Briceida Cuevas Cob, a Maya language poet from Campeche, and one more excellent Mexican poet to be announced shortly. José Vicente Anaya will also teach a workshop. Faculty members will be reading every evening Mon-Fri. All readings are FREE to the public.
 In addition to having published numerous books of poetry, our faculty has applied their writing and efforts to collaborations with contemporary artists, spoken word performances, music, film, novels, translations and more. Please visit our website for full biographies of all poets and more information!
 This year U.S. Poets in Mexico is offering our first annual Mérida Fellowship Award to be awarded to an American poet over 18 years of age. Judge: Tony Towle. Deadline: November 1, 2009. Please click HERE for Submission & Application information.
 Each year we also award up to five Poetas Yucatecos Awards, which are full tuition awards presented to emerging poet and writer residents in Yucatan (over age 18) to participate in our workshops. Our Poetas Yucatecos award participants submit poems to, and are selected by, the Director of Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatan. |

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