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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEditorials | Opinions | June 2009 

Cheney Continues to Write His Own Indictment
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Ricardo Sanchez, former U.S. commander in Iraq, called this week for an investigation on the Bush years.
Former commander of U.S. forces in Iraq calls for investigation of Bush-era policies.

A flood of new revelations about Bush and Cheney's criminal misconduct are coming to the fore.

The exposures are a direct result of the work of all the people who are demanding accountability. With your continued help, we will secure the indictment and prosecution of Bush-era officials. Please show your support by making an urgently needed donation.

The former commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, Ricardo Sanchez, is now calling for an investigation of Bush-era policies. Sanchez himself was forced into retirement because of his connection to Abu Ghraib -- for him to now call for an investigation shows that the plot goes much deeper than that one notorious torture chamber.

"The mechanisms that are responsible for establishing accountability have lost their credibility within the country, and there's a lack of trust in them," retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez said in an interview on CNN's "Newsroom" Tuesday.

This week also brought to light two under-reported stories: 1) Cheney personally led secret Congressional briefings on torture methods, and 2) as early as 2004, the Red Cross privately expressed concerns to Colin Powell that U.S. detention and interrogation methods violated international law.

With any other administration we would call the newest torture revelations "shocking." But we are done being shocked. We have come to expect from the Bush administration the worst sort of human rights violations and trampling on the U.S. Constitution.

What is "shocking" is how Dick Cheney continues to write his own indictment. With every story that breaks about Cheney's flagrant crimes, he takes to the airwaves not to deny the charges, but to make an even more flagrant defense of having broken the law!

None of this could have come to light without the massive pressure exerted by the indictment movement and others calling for accountability. No one is above the law.

Please continue to forward these emails and let all your friends know about the indictment movement. Right now the "hold Bush accountable" message is regularly in the mainstream media, but there's no guarantee it will remain so. We can't rely on the corporate media, with its short memory - and even shorter news cycle - to do the work for us. We have to keep the pressure on. This is not just a news story; for the future of this country, Bush & Co. cannot be let off the hook.

Please take a moment right now and send this email to five friends and encourage them to sign the petition at

Please Donate Today: Please help us continue this work with a generous donation. The truth is coming out and the pressure is building, but we can’t do it without your contribution. Please click this link to donate today.

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