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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEditorials | Opinions | June 2009 

Gov. Schwarzenegger has Failed Calif., Should Resign
email this pageprint this pageemail usStewart A. Alexander -
June 3, 2009

Stewart A. Alexander
The California May 19 Special Election should have been a day of reckoning for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; the people of California went to the polls rejecting the governor's tax measures to fix the budget deficit that is now projected to hit $24.3 billion. As California Legislators approach the June 15 constitutional deadline to pass a budget, the state is quickly running out of cash and the "governator" has promised to "cut, cut, cut."

In 2003, Schwarzenegger campaigned to become California's governor to replace the recalled Governor Gray Davis. Schwarzenegger's campaign focused on reforming California politics from top to bottom. Schwarzenegger promised that he would represent California voters and end the influence of special interest groups in state government. Now, five years later, Governor Schwarzenegger has become the nemesis of working people and he remains the champion of special interest groups.

In an effort to fix the California budget, Governor Schwarzenegger has targeted programs for the sick and needy, programs for children; public workers and teachers will suffer layoffs, and over one half million families will lose welfare assistance. Also, at a time when the state has more than 2 million people unemployed, the governor will make deep cuts or eliminate vocational training programs.

The governor is also proposing cuts to programs to assist seniors; and college fee assistance for thousands of students will also be cut. Also, on the chopping block, will be the health care coverage for nearly 950,000 low-income children under the Healthy Families program. Within recent weeks, all Californians are now paying more in taxes and higher fees for vehicle registrations; under Former Governor Gray Davis, these vehicle registration fee hikes outraged millions of Californians.

Socialists, throughout California, are sharply critical of the Schwarzenegger's proposals to fix the state's budget because the burden falls completely on the poor, needy and working families; and California's wealthiest will escape paying their fare share.

Socialists are also opposed to Federal bailouts to fix California's budget woes. Socialists are advocating programs that will put hundreds of thousands of Californians back to work in the building and construction industry. Socialists are advocating state and federal laws that would encourage the creation of worker-owned and worker-run institutions. These programs would help to generate revenues for the state.

To the contrary, Schwarzenegger has only pushed for programs that will generate revenues for big businesses and special interest groups. Only going back to 2008, Schwarzenegger was still pushing for more funding to build additional state prisons and has repeatedly pushed for funding for large infrastructure projects that will create few jobs and drain state revenues.

With time quickly approaching for the 2010 California Election, it would be too costly for California voters to recall Governor Schwarzenegger; however, before the state becomes bankrupt and Californians suffer greater losses, Governor Schwarzenegger should resign immediately.

For more information, search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander

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