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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEditorials | Opinions | July 2009 

Washington Post Editorial Calls for a Prosecutor
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The July 27 Washington Post lead editorial calls for Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a prosecutor to "look at the facts and apply the law."
The flood gates have been opened!

We will succeed! The indictment and prosecution of those who committed crimes during the Bush era will soon become a reality. Nothing is more important to restore the Constitution.

The flood gates have been opened because of the massive grassroots intervention by you and hundreds of thousands of others who have petitioned, sent emails and letters, and made phone calls that deluged the White House, Justice Department, Congress and the mass media.

The Washington Post lead editorial today calls for Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a prosecutor to "look at the facts and apply the law" for the "violent deaths of detainees" in U.S. custody.

This is a remarkable development. The pressure to appoint a prosecutor will not go away until justice is served.

Once the prosecution opens, it will lead inevitably to the doorsteps of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. It was they who ordered the torture, secret assassination teams, the breathtaking massive spying operation against the American people and, most importantly, launched a war of aggression in Iraq that led to the deaths of nearly 1 million people at the cost of nearly $2 trillion.

Now we are entering the next stage of the IndictBushNow movement. We must guarantee that the truth be told—all the truth—and that the prosecution not end with the indictment of low-level officials and operatives.

Please make an urgently needed donation now so that we can sustain this national movement, place newspaper ads and provide the general public with the full story of the unfolding details and revelations of the criminality of the Bush Administration.

We can’t do it without you support. Please donate today by clicking this link.

--From all of us at

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