You Can't Stop BINGO for Beans and Babies go to original

| Bingo for Beans and Babies is being held every Thursday from 6-9 pm through October 1st at Bite me! Beach Club. For reservations call (322) 223-1521, ext 234. |  | Last Thursday night, July 23rd, BINGO for Beans and Babies at Bite me! Beach Club continued despite a prolonged power outage. Nearly fifty guests played on by candlelight in support of Pasitos de Luz and the Puerto Vallarta Area Food Drive.
 Despite the wild weather and dim light, guest caller Jae Palsce, general manager of Banana Cantina, persevered and finished all 8 scheduled games in record time. Thanks Jae. In total we raised $10,080 pesos and collected tons of food for the drive.
 BINGO winners were:
 Game 1 - Richard Burns and Cesar Gabriel Sanchez Santiago Game 2 - Stephen Davis Game 3 - Aimee Rhoden Game 4 - Drucilla Desabrais Game 5 - Diana Karen Rivera Ochoa, the daughter of Dianita, one of our contributors Game 6 - Mary Devaney Game 7 - Ken Morrison Game 8 - Lina Longprι (This is one lucky girl. She has won every week.) Way to go Lina!
 Zac Campbell won our fabulous door prize, a hand painted cushion within a cushion donated by Lalo Morales and he also won our 50/50 draw of $1215 pesos which he generously donated back to Pasitos De Luz. What a great guy, our Zac!
 Ken Morrison won the free pass to "Mad Hatter," our closing party.
 Speaking of closing parties, this one will be quite spectacular. As the name would suggest, we are hosting a huge hat party October 1st to celebrate all of our great work. There will be free nibbles, compliments of Bite me!, great music, dancing and a benefit performance by the award winning singer Kim Kuzma. Check out to hear a sampling of her fabulous voice.
 At the party we will be drawing our main raffle prizes. Raffle tickets can be purchased at the party and as there are literally $1000's to be won, you will want to buy a lot of them. Don΄t forget your hat, of course. Be it a bowler, a ball cap, a wedding veil or sombrero, the craziest and most outrageous hat will win yet another terrific prize. So plug in your glue gun and start planning.
 "Mad Hatter" will be at Bite me! Beach Club in the seaside lounge Thursday October 1st, 2009 from 7 pm until the wee hours. Ticket are $50 pesos only and available at PVRPV, Bite me! Beach Club, Xocodiva and at our weekly BINGO nights every Thursday. And of course the party is open to everyone, after all the more the merrier!
 The list of contributors continues to grow. This week's prizes were donated by:
 Piazzetta, Apaches Martini Bar, Bite me! Beach Club, Xocodiva, PVRPV, Cassandra Shaw Jewelry, Banana Cantina, Fishing With Carolina, Adriana Garcia, Encore Boutique, Ambiance By Marcia, Andales, La Bodega De Nina, Bar Frida, Trattoria Michel, Pam Thompson of HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, Restaurante Dianita, Jose Morales, Tropicasa Realty, Phebel Salon, Los Veranos Canopy Tours, Sea Me Sun Glasses, Lalo Morales Home Furnishings

 Bingo for Beans and Babies continues every Thursday night until October 1 at Bite me! Beach Club. Brought to you by Bite me! Beach Club, PVRPV and Xocodiva. For reservations, call (322) 223-1521, extension #234. |