|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | May 2009  
Vallarta & Banderas Bay Area Food Drive
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. |  | PVRPV has joined Pamela Thompson in her efforts to help locals meet the basic needs of their families by collecting food to be distributed via DIF's various programs. Click HERE for more info.
 The past month has brought about many changes for the Banderas Bay area. Thousands have been impacted by little or no tourists, resulting in massive lay offs, no income, no tips - sort of a "domino effect," leaving hard-working locals struggling to meet even the most basic needs of their families.
 The next few months will bring even more need as we head in to the summer months and "low season." It is now time for us all to step up to the plate and help out.
 In conjunction with DIF (Social Services)/Child Protective Services, we are beginning what we hope will be a summer-long assistance program providing food packages to local families in need. These packages will be distributed only through Social Services via their various programs to as many as possible, for as long as possible.
 These packages consist of: • Beans (dried, packaged, not canned) • Rice • Lentils (dried) • Bouillon Cubes (consume cubes) • Pasta (dried, soup pasta, packaged)
 We ask that people donate one item, all items, one case, two cases... whatever they are able to this Food Drive.
 Thanks to the kind support of the local community and business owners, we have developed several drop off points for your convenience.
 PVRPV Piño Suarez #210 Corner of Francisco I. Madero and Piño Suarez Contact: Armando Sanchez (322) 222-0638 armando(at)pvrpv.com
 The Coffee Cup Condos Puesta del Sol, Local 14A Contact: Chris Benson (322) 221- 2517 Cell: 044-322-116-9577 chris.benson(at)prodigy.net.mx
 If possible, we would appreciate it if you could include your name, phone number and email contact with your donations.
 Should you have any questions at all, please contact me at:
 pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com (322) 222-9638 044-322-107-7007 145-6912 (Nextel)
 I will forward to the appropriate contact.
 Banderas Bay is our home and we must band together and take care of one another! We look forward to your donations!
Pamela Thompson is a registered nurse who has lived in Puerto Vallarta for over 17 years, 10 of them in health care. Pamela now leads HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, a local healthcare resource network. Her years of experience and expertise are available to you by emailing your questions to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com or by visiting HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
 Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.

| B E L O W T H E F O L D

Puerto Vallarta Summer Food Drive Success
Pam Thompson
 What began in the Spring as an effort to help our friends and neighbors here in Puerto Vallarta through some very, very tough economic times through the summer months, blossomed into a massive undertaking, resulting in over 17,050 kg of food delivered to those who needed it most.
Final Vallarta Food Drive Packaging Party
 It is with a huge amount of pleasure and pride to announce that we have reached our goal of collecting enough food to support the DIF's Summer Food Distribution. The last packaging party will be held at the PVRPV office on September 4th at 6 pm, with entertainment by Los Bambinos.
Vallarta Food Drive: Mission Accomplished
Pamela Thompson
 It is with a huge amount of pleasure and pride to announce that we now have sufficient funds to cover the DIF's Summer Food Distribution through September, as was the original goal when we started the Puerto Vallarta Community Food Drive back in May. But there is still work to do...
Hugging Our Vallarta Close... Volunteers Get Busy and Break Records!
Tracy Parks
 Thanks to the kindness of the 65 volunteers who showed up to help at the July 28th Vallarta Food Drive Packaging Party, 865 food packages, each containing enough food to feed a local family of four for one week, were completed in 40 minutes.
Do You Have 37 Minutes to Spare?
 Stop by PVRPV on Tuesday, July 28th at 6 pm and help us make a difference in our community by lending a hand at the next Vallarta Food Drive Packaging Party. In August, we plan on delivering over 1000 bags of food to local families, so we really need your help.
Vallarta Food Drive - It Takes a Village
Pamela Thompson
 This week brought another 525 little smiles as food packages were distributed to the children in DIF's Child Protective Services Programs. As we reach the half-way point of the Vallarta Summer Food Drive, we need a couple more big 'pushes' to keep distributing through the end of September.
Puerto Vallarta Food Drive Going Strong
Lina Longpré
 It is absolutely amazing what 116 hands can accomplish in just 30 minutes. The 58 volunteers that gathered together at the PVRPV office on July 6th for the second Banderas Bay area Food Drive packaging party bagged a total of 730 packages for the needy families here in Puerto Vallarta.
PV Food Drive Continues Through September
Pamela Thompson
 The thin, but smiling, children who lined up at yesterday's Food Drive distribution to the DIF-Child Protective Services program reminded me that times are beyond tough for many families in Puerto Vallarta. Join us in our commitment to keep this project going strong through September.
A Little Time and Love Can Feed a Family
Pamela Thompson
 On Friday, June 5th, a fairly sweltering evening, 35 Food Drive volunteers spent 37 minutes at the PVRPV offices putting together nearly 700 individual food packages, each containing enough beans, rice, lentils, soup pasta and bullion cubes to feed a local family of four for one week.
Vallarta Food Drive Extremely Successful
Pamela Thompson
 I must say that when I first dreamed of making the Vallarta Food Drive a reality I never, in my wildest imaginings, believed - or even hoped - for such outstanding support, organization, love and hard work that has been taking place in our community since the program's inception.
Banderas Bay Food Drive Update
 Seems that every time an opportunity to give back to the community presents itself, PVRPV jumps in with both feet. Most recently, they've joined Pamela Thompson in her efforts to help locals meet the basic needs of their families by collecting food to be distributed via DIF's various programs.

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