|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | July 2009  
Vallarta Food Drive - It Takes a Village
Pamela Thompson - PVNN July 17, 2009

| Hundreds of families in the Puerto Vallarta area are thankful for the efforts being made to help them through these tough economic times. If you'd like to help, contact Pamela Thompson at pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. (photos by Josef Kandoll) |  | This week brought another 525 little smiles as food packages were distributed to the children in DIF's Child Protective Services Programs. Arriving from various colonias throughout Puerto Vallarta, each bag containing 1 kg of rice, 1 kg of beans, 1 kg of lentils, 1 kg of soup pasta and 12 soup cubes. This is enough food to feed a family of four for one week.
 Each child attends a regular weekly meeting with various DIF programs that include Working Kids, Kids at Risk, Pregnant Teens, Open School and Children with Parents in Prison. Most lined up one hour before the set distribution time. These distribution times are important to each and every child and many arrive "dressed up" which in many cases means shoes that are too big & oversized clothing - the best that they have!
 As we have said many times over the past few months, never, in our wildest dreams, did we imagine the outpouring of support for the Food Drive that was created to assist those desperately in need after the fall out of the flu, slow economy in the Banderas Bay area - you name it - causing 1000's of locals to be layed off from their jobs (and knowing there is no such thing here as "unemployment/welfare.")
 We have successfully packaged the beans, rice, lentils, soup pasta and soup cubes and distributed to many, many in need via the Child Protective Services programs. People have rallied and donated like mad and as well, assisted in the "packaging parties" where in an extremely short period of time, because of many hands working together, the individual packages are put together, along with a whole lot of sweating and laughing!
 As we reach the half-way point of the program (we want to stick to our original commitment of distributing through the end of September) we need a couple more big "pushes" to make that goal!
 So, if you are able to contribute any of the following (listed in the order most needed) it would assist us in reaching that goal.
 • Lentils (dried) • Beans (dried, not canned) • Rice • Soup Pasta • Soup Cubes (like Knorr)
 Thanks to the kind support of the local community and business owners, we have developed several drop off points for your convenience.
 PVRPV Piño Suarez #210 Corner of Francisco I. Madero and Piño Suarez Contact: Armando Sanchez (322) 222-0638 armando(at)pvrpv.com
 The Coffee Cup Condos Puesta del Sol, Local 14A Contact: Chris Benson (322) 221-2517 Cell: 044-322-116-9577 chris.benson(at)prodigy.net.mx
 G3Mex Blvd. Fco. Medina Ascencio 2600 B (1st floor) 100 mts from Hospital Naval (322) 209-0832 info(at)g3mex.com
 Without the hard work and determination from so many none of this would be possible. And, again, a huge gracias to the staff of PVRPV for their dedication!
 Remember "It takes a village," so please do not hesitate contacting me with any questions regarding this project.
 Pamela Thompson HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta pmt15(at)hotmail.com Tel: (322) 222-9638 Mobile: 044-322-107-7007 Nextel: 145-6912
 To learn more about the Puerto Vallarta Summer Food Drive click HERE, or check out the fabulous PVRPV Blog for food drive updates and other interesting articles about the Banderas Bay area.
Pamela Thompson is a registered nurse who has lived in Puerto Vallarta for over 17 years, 10 of them in health care. Pamela now leads HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, a local healthcare resource network. Her years of experience and expertise are available to you by emailing your questions to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com or by visiting HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
 Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta. |

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